快好知 kuaihz

1. I'm a junior college student. 2. We stayed at a student hostel during the conference. 3. The lonely student is starving for friendship. 4. He began his political career as a student . 5. This problem regards every student in the school. 6. Student numbers are expanding rapidly. 7. He is a student of international politics. 8. Student registration starts the first week in September. 9. He is a medical student. 10. I did some acting in my student days. 11. Jack is a clever student. 12. Every student should carry a school badge. 13. He's a third-year student at the College of Art. 14. Student numbers have decreased by 500. 15. The student is preparing for the examination. 16. The book is intended for college student. 17. She's a quiet unobtrusive student. 18. Only one student passed the exam, namely Peter. 19. The student looked at him, perplexed. 20. She's a student at Sussex University. 21. The girl student retired into herself. 22. Activists had infiltrated the student movement. 23. She knows every student in the school. 24. He was active in organizing student meetings. 25. The stubborn student finally began to buckle under. 26. He lives in a tiny student bedsit. 26.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 27. The suggestion inevitably provoked outrage from student leaders. 28. The student left the university to go out into the world and find himself. 29. Are you a student? 30. He who purposes to be an author, should first be a student.