except for造句91. All of the animals except for man know that the principle business of life is to enjoy it.Samuel Butler
92. You wouldn't know it was autumn except for the odd dry leaf blowing down the road from the cemetery.
93. Of course no one gave that as a reason - except for Abie Klugman, and poor Abie didn't really count.
94. I fancied that except for a few corrugated iron roofs it still looked the same as when he had been here.
95. Ben, naked except for the strait-jacket, and blue with cold, was heaving and struggling and bellowing.
96. I know absolutely nothing about this authoress, except for the fact that she has written many other horror stories.
97. Except for the burial at sea of a woman travelling to meet her husband, it was a dull voyage.
98. There was nothing in his office except for a few battered chairs.
99. Soon they may be virtually invisible except for a discreet beacon.
100. Her face would be pale except for two red spots high on her cheekbones.
101. Except for myalgia, which quickly resolved with appropriate thyroid replacement, she was entirely asymptomatic.
102. Except for the blip this month, unemployment has continued to fall this year.
103. Inhibitions are rare except for a bankruptcy inhibition, which serves the same purpose as a land charge in unregistered conveyancing.
104. Except for every fourth year when the Rose Bowl will host the national championship game, regardless of which teams are playing.
105. The ecological setting was similar to that of today, except for an alkaline lake which has long since evaporated.
106. Arthur Smith, once a slender man, now was slender still except for the beach ball he sported under his shirt.
107. They joked and called out to one another, except for Lacrimosa, who was glaring directly at her.
108. We all now agree with Churchill's adage: democracy is the worst form of government, except for all the others.
109. Now the choir and the south choir aisle were empty except for the Chapter clergy and the cathedral policeman.
110. Except for the consort song, all of these types of composition are represented somewhere among the studies presented here.
110. Wish you will loveand make progress everyday!
111. Except for her bright clothing, she was decked out like some one about to be sent to a boot camp.
112. The other women in the classroom, except for two in the uniforms of the regular army, wear dresses.
113. During the talks, a news blackout eliminated contact with the press except for photo opportunities.
114. The sounds of battle on the outer wall ceased, and the night was quiet except for fidgeting on the catwalk.
115. All of these survive, except for the commentary on the Psalter and the preface.
116. Practically empty, except for a few undigested diet pills.
117. Tom is a nice person, except for his pettiness.
118. The patient had no past history of genitourinary tract disorder, except for polyuria, since his childhood.
119. LME base metal prices all increased on last Friday, except for aluminum price.
120. Article 40 While terminating a juristic person shall discontinue all activities except for liquidation by law.