快好知 kuaihz

down with造句
241. When they arrived, they were told that Mahdi was down with the flu. 242. The idea of John getting sick, the idea of John coming down with something: that's a good one. 243. Several monitors have come down with heat rash and heat stroke this summer. 244. Settle down with a good book, and let them blow themselves to bits. 245. If Joe goes down with the flu this winter, I might consider it. 246. So she calmly sat down with deaconess Pat Phillips to plan the funeral. 247. If you sent a great army against him, he'd simply cut it down with his sorcery. 248. Men don't settle down because of the right woman. They settle down because they are finally ready for it. Whatever woman they're dating when they get ready is the one they settle down with, not necessarily the best one or the prettiest, just the one who happened to be on hand when the time got to be right. Unromantic, but still true.Laurell K. Hamilton 249. But had we sat down with her, we would have wished her good luck. 250. But the dream came to an abrupt end when Peter Mott came down with polio. 251. His ship was turned into a minesweeper in the war, and he went down with her off the east coast. 252. The table before them was loaded down with jellies and ice cream. 253. All the senior police officers were down with flu - so the Chief Constable asked for his aid. 254. A few big flies buzzed around the kitchen, then settled down with dusk. 255. Top the whole thing off with a dessert of chocolate mousse in strawberry sauce and wash it down with a Bordeaux red. 256. Mr Black paid them off on all the equipment which went down with it, but which I know was not destroyed. 257. The meal then followed and all had their fill of sausage rolls and crisps, washed down with delicious barley water. 258. One whole day they stayed in Buchanan Street. Up and down with giggles and stares. 259. The food must be properly cooked to ensure the diners don't go down with food poisoning. 260. Wash it all down with a Kirin Ichiban and finish up with green-tea ice cream. 261. The captain gave him a bowl of cold stew which he could only swallow by gulping it down with wine. 261.try its best to gather and create good sentences. 262. He fell asleep dreaming though that Rupert Quashie went to the beach and pushed Collymore down with his gun. 263. But cold weather and a scarcity of food on arable land usually brings numbers down with the onset of winter. 264. The Dream Teamers, as individuals, are not bogged down with ennui. 265. I carried the telephone into the kitchen, poured a little pear brandy, and sat down with it at the table. 266. Lisa settled down with the bulldog clip that held the current day's orders, and Folly picked up the accounts book. 267. There was a sudden space when the man at Riven's shoulder went down with a cry. 268. You can wash it all down with a fresh fruit smoothie for $ 3. 269. I got bored with it and sat down with my coffee. 270. Lying down with hands at either side of your head, raise your knees and cross the ankles.