consist of造句91 They consist of two layers of paper with wood chips sandwiched between them, and are ideal for hiding minor wall irregularities.
92 These consist of pale neutral shades of blue, green and brown with some definite greys included.
93 As often as not, land reforms consist of turning large privately owned farms into state-or communally owned cooperatives.
94 These usually consist of large, naturalistic floral garlands or medallions set against an open or sparsely decorated field.
95 Basic banks are obliged to maintain certain reserves, which consist of cash in hand and deposits at the National Bank.
96 Judgments frequently consist of long paragraphs and convoluted sentences replete with subordinate clauses.
97 Much of their work will consist of assessing how much impact the measures are having.
98 Even large physical objects like stars consist of a rather limited array of parts, more or less haphazardly arranged.
99 Of course, complicated things consist of lots of simpler things.
100 Systems consist of a very small number of terms which thus constitute closed sets.
101 Assuming voluntary labour in sport to consist of half manual and half professional work gives an average value per hour of £10.38.
102 The examination will consist of 6 assignments - 5 pieces of dictation and a manuscript assignment.
103 These consist of a motor-driven continuous sanding belt, held against the work by a metal plate under the body.
104 Such lexical chains need not necessarily consist of words which mean the same, however.
105 Finally, the remaining three components seemed to consist of uninterpretable noise.
106 Cultivation: Ideally the growing medium should consist of some amount of clay.
107 Mabs and Tashie's contribution seemed to consist of amiably teasing Nigel and Henry.
108 The mixture should consist of a layer of coarse sand, with a thin layer of peat and clay immediately below it.
109 One group might consist of the younger consumer end of the market and one might be business women of thirty-plus.
110 It seems to consist of an affront to the dignity of the House or a Member of it.
111 They consist of: £29 a day subsistence allowance to cover meals, taxis and other incidentals.
112 Miscellaneous assets largely consist of payments owed but not yet received from other banks.
113 A scale like this will normally consist of a series of such statements tapping the same attitudinal dimension.
114 They are called delta frames and, typically, may consist of no more than 5 kilobytes of data.
115 Each service may consist of one or more channels, video on-demand, or two-way interactive service.
116 The programmes consist of excerpts from recorded classes which are then discussed during the programme.
117 Cultivation: The planting medium should consist of clay, peat, loam or leaf mould and a good layer of sand.
118 The household may now consist of several teenagers or an elderly relative.
119 The creative group will usually, as we have seen, consist of a writer and an artist.
120 Modern armies consist of fewer soldiers and more advanced weapons systems.