快好知 kuaihz

come of造句
1. Nothing will come of nothing. 2. No good can come of your marrying above your status! 3. No good will come of all these violation activities. 4. I told him no good would come of it. 5. What has come of his scheme? 6. Did anything come of all those job applications? 7. Will good come of your actions? 8. Nothing will come of it, unless disaster. 9. Nothing but trouble will come of this plan. 10. He will come of age a week from today. 11. No harm can come of trying. 12. 'No good will come of this,' she announced portentously. 13. Space technology didn't really come of age until the 1950s. 14. He was cynical that any good could come of democracy. 15. Recycling is an issue that has come of age in Britain in the last decade. 16. However, you will come of age in two months. 17. Britain's adopted children had come of age. 18. Nothing seemed to have come of the silver salver idea, no doubt because of the continuing need for secrecy. 19. This generation had come of age working on practical issues of feminism, pacifism, civil rights, and environmentalism. 20. Duroc had had to come of age and replace the older Duroc in the service of Nguyen Seth. 21. Businessmen fretted that no good could come of such defiance; students delighted in the courage of their mainland counterparts. 22. The money will go to the children when they come of age. 23. He promised to help, but I don't think anything will come of it. 24. His leap from collector to seller may be the surest sign yet that road-map collecting has come of age. 25. The outside world talks of a war crimes tribunal but nobody supposes that anything will come of that. 26. He proposed a regency council to uphold the validity of Frederick's election until the heir should come of age. 27. We have been through a ghastly situation, and I hope that some good can come of it. 28. Learn to hold your tongue, Mistress Philippa, else grief will come of it. 29. It was a long way to drive on the off-chance that something would come of it. 30. Of course he deserves prison. Having said that, I don't think any good will come of locking him up forever.