快好知 kuaihz

come for造句
61. He told me he was just visiting to let me know he would come for me soon, but not just yet. 62. You are not yet the proud owner of the copier you have come for. 63. Most choose to come for two-week periods, with time to practise at home in between. 64. It was sad to see them all go, but a wonderful joy it is when they all come for occasional visits. 65. After all, a dog or a cat will come for the rub and tickle it so obviously enjoys. 66. Clearly the tiny outpost was awaiting demolition,[www.] but maybe that wouldn't come for many years. 67. They come for the winter sports and the spectacular scenery. 68. My mouth is tired now, and I think the time has come for me to go. 69. The spectator has come for blood, but did not buy his ticket to be reminded of his own mortality. 70. Come for a spin in my car. 71. Watch Black Death come for your enemies. 72. Customer: I come for paying my gas cost. 73. Dustomer: I come for paying my gas cost. 74. Antonius Block: Have you come for me? 75. I'll send on any letters that come for you. 76. Ask him to come for his cambric shirt. 77. Isabel I have come for the Amulet of Necromancy. 78. I had loved him without the intention, come for years however all the time devouringly is enjoying his love to me. 79. You'll have to wait until kingdom come for him to buy you a drink! 80. When my family lived in 10) Queens, almost every Wednesday my 11) in-laws would come for dinner. They especially enjoyed my pot roast. 81. TXT have come for the Chinese phonetic alphabet input and control. 82. Did the driver come for you in a new big shiny auto? 83. Books of thousands of handpick curiosa comprises books wall, the skill that showed elegant prosperous to come for years pressworks achievement. 84. And 15 years work would have come for nothing And -- and it was gut wrenching. 85. But, when we come for a closer look, gently lift the hat off the man's head, we discover he's a Pakistani, an immigrant, or a third- generation Ghanian or Chinese-American. 86. If the DOJ does launch a case against Google, it likely will not come for at least five years. 87. He would have to come for the postage the morn's morning. 88. When my family lived in Queens, almost every Wednesday my in-laws would come for dinner. They especially enjoyed my pot roast. 89. More difficult times are yet to come for the unlawfully - bear child. 90. Blackland element with fertility taller and celebrated, but come for years its fertility drops apparently.