as to造句(91) Let us discipline ourselves so as to help feed a hungry world.
(92) At worst we'll have to sell the house so as to settle our debts.
(93) Will you sound John as to whether he would accept the post when offered?
(94) I wouldn't go as far as to say that he's a liar .
(95) Don't be so naive as to be taken in by their lies.
(96) Please address your letters properly so as to reduce delays.
(97) He searched her face for some clue as to what she meant.
(98) I always keep fruit in the fridge so as to keep insects off it.
(99) The pain in her foot wasn't such as to stop her walking.
(100) He made a wild guess as to how much the piano might cost.
(101) She told him he needed to be more creative, without being explicit as to what this meant in practice.
(102) A politician soon learns to swim with the tide and offer the voters things that they want, so as to gain their votes.
(103) Frank was very uncertain as to whether it was the right job for him.
(104) There is an element of doubt as to whether the deaths were accidental.
(105) These figures give a rough guide as to the sales we can expect.
(106) As to how many she invites, it's not really for me to say.
(107) As to tax, that will be deducted from your salary.
(108) The subject matter was so technical as to be beyond the ken of the average layman.
(109) Would you be so good as to lock the door when you leave?
(110) Considerable doubt exists as to the precise origin of this custom.
(111) I see that you have been so bold as to ask for food at this late hour.
(112) I took a careful note of where I had left the bag, so as to be sure to find it on my return.
(113) There's no decision as to when the work might start.
(114) The director insisted that there was no question as to the propriety of how the funds were raised.
(115) They differ with each other as to the precise meaning of this article in the contract.
(116) His comments were so general as to be nearly valueless.
(117) There was some debate as to whether the benefit scheme should be withdrawn or simply allowed to wither on the vine.
(118) The lumberers hacked away at the trees all day long so as to make room for the new railway.
(119) As to whether you should marry him - that's for you to decide.
(120) She angled the mirror so as to reflect light from a window.