as soon as possible造句91. So, it should strike while the iron is hot and go to the country as soon as possible.
92. Does he understand and accept that it is important that local authorities should receive reliable guidance as soon as possible?
93. Kindly rectify this as soon as possible and consult Betty Syrett if you have any doubts or queries on the subject.
94. A call for papers has been issued and abstracts should be submitted as soon as possible.
95. The Society is keeping in close touch with the appropriate authority and full information will be published as soon as possible.
96. It asked us to reserve our seats as soon as possible for this famous work by Shakespeare.
97. Meanwhile if you have any special requests or suggestions, please let him know as soon as possible.
98. As soon as Possible we will paint this area of the playground so that it can be clearly distinguished by everyone.
99. I will arrange for all our research information on various locations to be sent on to you as soon as possible.
100. Spread this across the surface of the slide with the other cover-glass, and view as soon as possible.
101. Mr. Nelson Because Governments obviously want to timetable their Bills and get their business through as soon as possible.
102. Combined Fleet nevertheless remained convinced that it must take the offensive somewhere as soon as possible.
103. That co-operation will be vital in getting to the bottom of this matter as soon as possible.
104. We accept that recommendation and will act on it as soon as possible.
105. I had to paint the gashes as soon as possible so that rust would not begin to bite into Wavebreaker's long sleekness.
106. Plant them as soon as possible after you buy them.
107. We will wish to introduce clear guidance and operational systems to expedite this as soon as possible.
108. But the estate agent had now found a buyer, one who was eager to move in as soon as possible.
109. Some have called for him to restore civilian rule as soon as possible.
110. Devices have to be specially constructed, and they will be delivered as soon as possible.
111. In view of the critical need to provide political alternatives to violence, the talks must be reconvened as soon as possible.
112. We feel she wants us out of there as soon as possible so we bolt down our food.
113. Basically the police will regard the child as lost property to be returned as soon as possible.
114. We will then let you know whether you are exempt or not as soon as possible. 9.
115. If you borrow a book make sure you return it as soon as possible.
116. The hospitals rush these lower-paid workers on the hospital floor as soon as possible.
117. Those at risk are being urged to have the vaccine as soon as possible.
118. Titles that Whitaker learns about after publication to into the list as soon as possible.
119. Make a habit of putting your AH-HAs into practice as soon as possible alter reading them.
120. Since we anticipate strong demand for this new product range we recommend you to place your first order as soon as possible.