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as for造句
61 Later, at the club, he will get tight on good brandy and as for the estate it is simply hard cheese. 62 As for getting in ... There is only one entry point for spaceships into the world within the planet. 63 As for price competition, it is about as real and intelligible as it is in the life insurance or banking fields. 64 The main contractor has to plan for subcontracted work just as seriously as for his or her own work. 65 As for the blueberries ready-sweetened to eat, the birds get all that remain before the end of August. 66 As for this year, one-time items will reduce the 1996 budget deficit. 67 As for politics, I'm an anarchist. I hate governments and rules and fetters. Can't stand caged animals. People must be free.Charlie Chaplin 68 Remedies for infringement are as for copyright but there are no criminal penalties for secondary infringements. 69 The technique is as for treating oesophageal cancers and has been published previously. 70 Fig. 3.4 Skeletal element proportions of bone assemblages from diurnal raptors and mammalian carnivores, as for Fig. 3.2. 71 As for the holiday, I agree with you, it sounds a wee bit unlikely. 72 As for the economically active, 56 percent were employed full- or part-time and 44 percent were unemployed. 73 Other exemptions -- such as for fine art or antiques -- can push that limit higher. 74 Her mind was filled with fears and hopes, the principal one being the same for her as for him. 75 And as for recalling those moments of being held in his arms ... she'd be wise to forget them. 76 We turn to wild nature for new crops and new drugs, as well as for the beauty that enriches our lives. 77 As for size constancy it is linked with the coordination of perceptually controlled movements. 78 As for the Sanctuary for the Fallen, she discovered it was near to disgraceful. 79 As for the comparison to Brigitte Bardot, it's a great compliment, because she is very beautiful. 80 As for being out with Susan, Tom and Cyril, that seemed like an eternity ago. 81 As for Ewan, he will probably be vastly amused until those sharp claws get in the way. 82 As for the athletics scholarships, these are not wages in the normal sense. 83 As for indirect taxation, estimated Engel curves relate the expenditure of groups of households on taxed goods to total expenditure. 84 As for Stewart, his physical development was improving, and he took pride in his academic performance at Kingswood. 85 September Take cuttings from strong young shoots and root outdoors as for soft fruit. 86 As for the idea of going on holiday together, forget it! 87 As for the social scene, there is nothing depressing about the Warehouse, Ricci's, Joy or the excellent Gallery. 88 As for clothes, fashion consultant Barbara Thomas decided Norma had the poise and presence to carry off a sophisticated designer label. 89 As for the clerics, they get five minutes every morning on the radio while most people are asleep. 90 As for Aesop, his tour back East had been an unqualified success.