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and that造句
121. I met him only the once, and that was enough. 122. And that is another matter entirely. 123. And that would never happen again. 124. And that made her angrier than ever. 125. And that was it? Mission accomplished? 126. And that alumnus helped seal the deal. 127. And that would imply either anarchy or autocracy. 128. The short answer is that we can not[/and that.html], and that structures of this kind do not in fact evolve. 129. Morales added that applying for amnesty is not an admission of guilt and that his clients are innocent. 130. And that likely would eliminate her from earning a spot in the individual all-around competition and possibly individual event finals. 131. The spread of this belief marks the divide between the mental outlook of Classical antiquity and that of the Middle Ages. 132. I pointed out to her it was the only scene of its kind in the play and that nothing happened anyway. 133. There is only one way to happiness and that is to cease worrying about things which are beyond the power or our will.Epictetus 134. I immediately explained to her what my arrangement with Charlie had been, and that at least brought a smile to her face. 135. She did not tell them that her whole being ached with sadness and that sometimes she thought she would actually go mad. 136. I thought I could bestow beauty like a benediction and that your half-dark flesh would answer to the prayer. 137. In the make-up of human beings, intelligence counts for more than our hands, and that is our true strength.Ovid 138. The Empire is always shot through with a certain amount of politics and with different men pulling this way and that. 139. His voice had a slight tremor, and that annoyed him, but they didn't seem to notice. 140. Your audience will be confused over it and that will give you a chance to think of something. 141. And that was all he said and all he ever would say on the matter. Not another syllable. 142. Primo waves his hand at his own reflection and that of the empty seat on the opposite side of the aisle. 143. Inevitably the conversation would turn to politics, and that inevitably led to heated arguments. 144. She pointed out that they rarely seemed to express affection towards Pamela and that this might be making her feel insecure. 145. I've missed more than 9000 shots in my career. I've lost almost 300 games. 26 times, I've been trusted to take the game winning shot and missed. I've failed over and over and over again in my life. And that is why I succeed.Michael Jordan 146. There is an uncanny resemblance between this reasoning and that which had earlier led John Dalton to an atomic theory of chemistry. 147. If you didn't, you were bawled out, and that took an awful lot of getting used to. 148. It would only mean he might let her down again, and that would be asking for it. 149. In addition to its lower cost, short-term debt offers one other advantage over long-term debt and that is its added flexibility. 150. Nobody was using a studio audience and that was an accident.