快好知 kuaihz

amount to造句
121, If the size of the reallocated block is smaller than the original block, the block is split and the remainder is returned to the free tree after sending the required amount to the caller. 122, In some fraud cases, the promoters never drill at all; in others, they devote a disproportionate amount to sales commissions and other in-house expenses not related to production. 123, Configuration feature: Constant green undershrub, its individual plant can amount to 1 meter high. 124, However, applied by item we find the LCM amount to be $ 2. 125, Just using glibc-wide character string functions and POSIX locales, however, does not amount to a Linux internationalization architecture. 126, Day dreaming again, Barb? You'll never amount to anything if you spend your time that way. 127, Heroic efforts to remove toxic algae blooms rowing course do not amount to a new environmentalism. 128, For certain souls do not some thoughts and actions, prompted by love, amount to solemn betrothal? 129, " Introduction Chen Jiang, these bridal chamber exceed bid the heaviest can amount to ten times, "Mosquito is slow-witted inside long can be fumed dead " . 130, There will be shielding charges in the penetration layer with a exponential distribution. The shielding charge has opposite sign and equal amount to the surface induced charge caused by moving. 131, It does not amount to a logical proof of the statement. 132, Aiming at the modules that contain massive computation and complex, we use fast or predigest algorithm to cut down the computation amount to enhance the efficiency. 133, On a debt instrument, it is the amount to be repaid at maturity. 134, Net Impact: no additional cost because the Investment Tax Credit is already on the books through 2016 and none of the above fixes would amount to a government spending increase. 135, The commission he receive last year amount to more than his basic salary. 136, Elephant grass-eating living them to the brink of extinction, which could amount to human Ganhuo less and less do not have enough food and living space. 137, If we could extract that crude, accurately termed "shale oil" it would amount to a huge resource. 138, The rampant banditry is also a short period can not amount to anything. 139, He also had a cheeky rebelliousness toward authority, which led one headmaster to expel him and another to amuse history by saying that he would never amount to much. 140, A refusal to answer questions for example, could amount to contempt of court. 141, Shawn: Yeah, can I transfer this amount to another account? 142, Silence or inactivity does not in itself amount to acceptance. 143, Fruit film is qualitative, amount to of the craze before maturity foliaceous fruit valve, have 2 - 4 seeds are worn the brim that is born at fruit valve. 144, As an economic strategy, dumping the dollar would boomerang. It would amount to a declaration of economic war in which everyone—Chinese, Americans, and many others—would lose. 145, The first thing you must do after receiving your pay check (cheque) is sending a pre-determined amount to the savings account. 146, As a commercial company, we need to charge at least a nominal amount to keep .NET Reflector up-to-date and relevant. 147, If you say something does not amount to a hill of beans, you mean it is of little importance. 148, The case in fracture series whose bone trabecula descends to the 3 degree is amount to 94.3 %. 149, We developed the rated charging voltage being able to amount to 1000V big power, high strength, high frequencies of the pulse magnetic field equipment. 150, Expenses incurred to prevent threatened damage amount to recoverable damage in so far as reasonably incurred.