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take into account造句
31, This study will also take into account choices between alternative methods and the selection of topics and sites for investigation. 32, They are entitled to take into account a variety of selection factors. 33, Each day bulked, a wrong guess, a thing Ralph had failed to take into account. 34, In this case I am satisfied that Booth J. did have a discretion to take into account the interests of the children. 35, The deputy judge had to take into account also the other evidence relevant to the issue of testamentary competence. 36, This calibration should always take into account how much you can afford to pay. 37, In considering applications for planning permission, planning authorities will take into account the provisions of the development plan. 38, The appeal also argued that the judges did not take into account the public demand for Suharto to be brought to justice. 39, Its main criticism is that they do not take into account the effects of the war on the region's ecosystem. 40, In particular, they have been censured for failing sufficiently to take into account the needs of local people. 41, Poulantzas must therefore take into account both social structures and the class struggle to understand the course of events. 42, What factors may the policeman take into account in deciding whether or not a breach of the peace is likely? 43, Silkin replied that it was a factor which he was entitled to take into account. 44, The answer to my hon. Friend's question is that of course those are relevant considerations for valuers to take into account. 45, But this doesn't take into account the capital equipment you need if you're to be self-sufficient. 46, But the court may take into account hardship to the tenant. 47, The analysis will also take into account the psychological distress resulting from unemployment, which is known to vary considerably by country. 48, The mutual help system has to take into account things like holidays and emergency backup. 49, Moreover, we should assume that future decisions about Unix will have to take into account what is good for Novell. 49, Wish you will loveand make progress everyday! 50, Dealing with null values is one of the problems that extensions to Codd's original relational model do take into account. 51, Does this enable the court to take into account the comparative social utility of the product and apply a cost-benefit analysis? 52, But that, of course, does not take into account the loan we made you at the start of the year. 53, Expatriates should also take into account any fees that they will have to pay on buying a home. 54, Lund said the study does not take into account states that raised their speed limits after April 1996. 55, In our definition, need we take into account every conceivable feeling, thought, attitude, or action? 56, They are entitled to take into account the credit histories of people living at those addresses with the same surname as you. 57, Reductions take into account all the chargepayers in a property whereas previously transitional relief was based on a maximum of two charges. 58, The factors which the court will take into account in deciding whether to approve a scheme of arrangement include the following. 59, However, this does not take into account the different sizes of the populations of working age between the regions. 60, There may be many factors to take into account, but usually the overriding consideration is monetary.