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take effect造句
91. Specifies the font to use for line numbers when printing. This will only take effect if the "Print Line Numbers" option is non-zero. 92. They also take effect in sterilization, decalescence, detumescence, softening skin and maintaining cell vitality. 93. The new rules are expected to take effect in January 2010. 94. Hydroxyacetic acid can peel aged cutin , amino acid can take effect in cuticle and improve the moisturizing ability of the skin. 95. The programmer manually forced the adjustment entry so that the discount would take effect for the Midwest stores. 96. This Agreement will take effect only after the unanimous consent of both parties by negotiation, otherwise, it shall automatically be of no effect upon its expiration. 97. Such consultations shall be completed within 21 days of being requested and the tariff shall take effect at the end of that period unless the authorities of both Contracting Parties agree otherwise. 98. The growth of China's massive economy is beginning to slow as stimulus funds peter out and aggressive monetary tightening measures take effect. 99. "The Postal Service has a longstanding commitment to small businesses and is working to accommodate customers needs as the international mail changes take effect," Ms. Yoerger said. 100. With a very low serum albumin, transfusion with blood plasma or an infusion of hetastarch may be necessary to treat the signs until the diet can take effect. 101. Managers began notifying bank employees of the proposed changes this week. They could take effect shortly. 102. Notices of compliance or other permits to manufacture, use, or sell a patented invention issued to persons other than the patent owner may not take effect immediately. 103. It protects the nervous system from shock until antibiotics can take effect. 104. The contango is likely to flatten as supply cuts by OPEC and other producers take effect, reducing the availability of oil for immediate delivery, Currie said. 105. Article 20 These Measures shall take effect as of the date of issuance. 106. My resignation as leader of the Labor party will take effect immediately. 107. Article 42 This Law shall take effect from the date of promulgation. 108. Article Twenty - two These regulations take effect as of January 1, 2004. 109. These settings won't take effect until you restart the emulator. 110. The amount of time necessary for Super P-Force (Sildenafil and Dapoxetine) to take effect varies, as the drug contains two active components. 111. Close the Computer Management console. The change will take effect after you log off the computer. 112. Your new mail directory preference will take effect the next time you restart Communicator. 113. The BIOS will then restart your computer so that the new settings take effect. 114. Worries are also high in Indonesia, for example, as a trade deal it signed with China as part of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations began to take effect this year. 115. Changes specified in a description block do not take effect until the next description block./take effect.html 116. A ceasefire will take effect in just hours on the Lebanese - Israeli border. 117. This Agreement shall take effect only upon the lawful solemnization of the marriage between the parties. 118. When drugs used to spray each other directly to the face, nose, drugs will take effect within 10 seconds, will not be sprayed by a coma, but is confusional state, and its thinking by you contain. 119. Generally speaking, the interest rate goes up alongside the rising reserve ratio, which indicates that a deflation policy should take effect.