快好知 kuaihz

ahead of造句
181. Cole finished the race ahead of Jewison. 182. Tim pointed to a tree ahead of them. 183. Carrie got to the pub ahead of us. 184. At this point we're ahead of schedule. 185. The idea was way ahead of its time. 186. VEMCO was years ahead of us in their research. 187. Issues such as job assignments and reduced overtime are worked out ahead of time. 188. Workers demanded higher pay to stay ahead of the inflation they expected. 189. This talk gave me another view of Mike-a little guy who had once been ahead of the game. 190. Sure enough, it turned out they were from Minnesota, heading south to try and stay ahead of the cold. 191. Remember that nobody will ever get ahead of you as long as he is kicking you in the seat of the pants.Walter Winchell 192. Just moments, one after another, instead of living so many years ahead of each day. 193. Businesses that want to stay ahead of the curve find trend research crucial. 194. Clearly, teachers considering this variable annuity have a lot of homework ahead of them. 195. Simply for completing the sequence ahead of schedule, Myriad received a $ 3 million bonus. 196. It just shows how desperate New Yorkers are to be ahead of the curve. 197. Visas must be obtained ahead of time, and it may take several weeks to get them in order. 198. You can always prepare the salad ahead of time and refrigerate it. 199. Due to the economy's strong recovery, Mexico will repay ahead of schedule the last installment of a $13.5 billion loan. 200. About half the normal amount of trades took place as traders were reluctant to place bets ahead of the long weekend. 201. We're so busy watching out for what's just ahead of us that we don't take time to enjoy where we are.Bill Watterson 202. Many of them had prepared notes ahead of time, and Drake took lots of notes. 203. Let Tom walk ahead of you - he knows this path very well. 204. I know there are some big problems ahead of us, but I'm sure we can overcome them. 205. Sometimes, when Jasper was far ahead of me, I wished I could be more agile for him. 206. Isabel stared fixedly ahead of her, wondering if she had heard aright. 207. Kirby got the ball and saw nothing ahead of him but green AstroTurf. 208. Linear regression, for example, requires all the data to be collected ahead of time and then processed all at once. 209. Freeze or prepare a day ahead of the party and store in an airtight container. 210. They were trying to learn to perform a role whose meaning and importance they could not grasp ahead of time.