think twice造句31. Massa said the ruling will make hospitals think twice before breaking the law.
32. Without having to think twice, I called up the cable company and added an extra tier of channels.
33. I'd think twice before I started a fight with him - he'd wipe the floor with me!
34. A third would think twice about moving home if it would upset their pets.
35. One has to think twice before one orders a cup of coffee, in case one's making use of one's position.
36. Maybe if more people did this they would think twice before harming it.
37. If they did, they would think twice before acceding to such inclinations.
38. You should really think twice before approaching this woman or before telling your boyfriend.
39. And any woman wanting a baby should definitely think twice, because that really is an eternal bond.
40. You can bet Mark will think twice next time about taking a week off.
41. I hope this latest attack will make people think twice about mindless violence towards ethnic minorities.
42. The heavy penalties are designed to make people think twice before committing a crime.
43. No-one should think twice about blurting out the whole story.
44. If I wee you, I'd think twice about it.
45. You must think twice before you take this step.
46. I must think twice before I can promise.
47. Think twice about discarding goods like old potato chip canisters and coffee tins.
48. When employees are armed with legal knowledge, a gun - toting boss will think twice before going berserk.
49. Therefore, I will think twice before ordering a prisoner sent to my bedchamber.
50. I advised him to think twice before to just school.
51. The next time you hear a bird chirping outside your window, you might think twice about what’s going on inside his little birdbrain.
52. So Take My Strong Advice, Just Remember To Always Think Twice.
53. Therefore, in 2009 dollars sound investment - type financial products also think twice before they act.
54. In those days we did not think twice about it.
55. Regardless of the pay rate, though, this is a very intrusive form of advertising,[http:///think twice.html] so think twice before using it.
56. The next time you tweet something someone else said or wrote without attributing it to them, you might want to think twice.
57. Mr Assad will think twice before trying to squash Christians.
58. However, before she could think twice, the water was upon her.
59. Those falcons will think twice before they mess with us.
60. That would make Tehran think twice about meddling in Iraq.