settle down造句61. As you are put immediately at ease, you settle down with a steaming cup of coffee and a bite to eat.
62. So I settle down to write her a letter explaining my erratic behaviour.
63. Lore will never forget her first meeting with Miss Harder: After a few months the three girls began to settle down.
64. My wife and I had bought a home and we were ready to settle down into a comfortable middle-aged, middle-class rut.
65. Settle down with a good book, and let them blow themselves to bits.
66. Both her mother and Lisa had been cross with her; they both had felt she ought to settle down.
67. Haslemere took time to settle down against a predominantly young side, obviously well coached and organised.
68. She wouldn't do it at the time, because she felt the whole issue ought to be allowed to settle down.
69. Men don't settle down because of the right woman. They settle down because they are finally ready for it. Whatever woman they're dating when they get ready is the one they settle down with, not necessarily the best one or the prettiest, just the one who happened to be on hand when the time got to be right. Unromantic, but still true.Laurell K. Hamilton
70. The travellers paid eighteen thousand pounds for the site and had hoped to settle down and send their children to local schools.
71. They came here to settle down and have a happy life.
72. He was working as an engineer for Boston Edison, still patiently waiting for Amelia to settle down and marry him.
73. Then his own wife and daughter joined him in Hollywood, and he began to settle down again.
74. The players need to have a chance to settle down.
75. Obviously, do not expect your pet to settle down readily on a wet or uncomfortable surface.
76. Evening had begun to settle down, and he was walking along a narrow path of dry grass, towards the buildings.
77. Thus the recession is over and we can all settle down to making money again.
78. Settle down far from town get him a pirogue.
79. They settle down in hospitable regions, and crowd out those that can't compete.
80. If select Cremation, what do you think how to settle down the cremains?
81. Ilana arrived in kibbutz Yagur in 1988 with her husband and settle down ever since.
82. Poor Medora , repeatedly widowed, was always coming home to settle down.
83. It's a dandy, well-appointed, small steam laundry. There's a start for you if you want to settle down.
84. He is sowing his wild oats now but he will settle down once he is married.
85. Each hierarchical layer has to settle down; lateral causes have to slosh around and come to rest; a million autonomous agents have to acquaint themselves.
86. Sometimes, a diode across the inductor may settle down the oscillations by reducing the inductive kick.
87. I was first impressed by bougainvillea about 12 years ago when we moved to settle down here.
89. Oh , stop all this gallivanting about, and settle down to something!
90. I want to settle down, and turn over a new leaf.