pay up造句31 You can pay up to 15 percent of your earnings altogether as contributions and still get tax relief.
32 People still pay up despite the complete lack of ghosts.
33 If people weren't sure of getting the victim for their money they wouldn't be so willing to pay up.
34 But don't expect your travel insurance to pay up unless you're injured or get your luggage damaged in the storms.
35 You must pay up what you owe me.
36 You need to pay up or face the consequences.
37 You will have to pay up.
38 We asked him to pay up.
39 I'm over thirty thousand dollars in debt , and I can't pay up.
40 I must pay up , and without arguement or comment.
41 Cut-rate romance feels somehow wrong, so plenty of people simply pay up. It's a special day, after all.
42 If you don't pay up at once, we'll see you in court!
43 It would also save BHP having to pay up to $5.8 billion up front to Rio Tinto to equalise its stake in the iron ore production joint venture.
44 If you don't pay up, I'll take you to court.
45 He'll never pay up unless you get tough with him.
46 Even the righteous may find it wiser up than pay up.
47 What happens with customers who don't pay up on the due date?
47try its best to gather and build good sentences.
48 Billions of dollars in securities are traded each day with nothing more than an implicit agreement that trading partners will pay up when asked.
49 The gangsters used threats of violence to force the Morrises to pay up.
50 My goods vanished and insurance company will have to pay up.
51 The remainder he would pay up as soon as he could.
52 The budget was carried nonetheless and Britain is obliged to pay up.
53 The number of doctors has shot up and prices have climbed. When faced with toothache a sick child or a heart attack all the unfortunate person concerned can do is pay up.
54 In practice , however, Filipino workers pay up to as high as $ NT 182, 000 in placement fees.
55 Doctors often raise their meager salaries by prescribing high-priced tests and medicines, and patients who cannot pay up front are regularly denied treatment.
56 Not being used to such a collectivist set-up, Apple refused to pay up, which triggered the first big legal skirmish over smart-phones.
57 My goods have vanished and the insurance company will have to pay up.
58 If you don't have enough cash, the bank extends credit or demands that you pay up to cover the rest of your contract, often adding up to large multiples of your initial outlay.
59 If the last repayment day of loan principal is not within interest payment day, the borrower shall pay up all the interest payable on the last repayment day of loan principal.