in hand造句121. With his own violin in hand, Merola stood in the north end zone and played.
122. Happily plans are now well in hand to convert the buildings into around 70 luxury dwellings.
123. Stars and superstition just seem to go hand in hand.
124. Environmental priorities must be built into all economic decision-making, ensuring that economic success goes hand in hand with environmental responsibility.
125. Matters were further complicated when MI5 decided to take it in hand.
126. Some people always fly off the handle, and often their anger is totally out of proportion to the problem in hand.
127. Doer - urging the team to get on with the task in hand.
128. At the head of the path, beside the porch, Gaily stopped snowdrops in hand.
129. Lampard had the body of the Oberst placed at the side of the trail, pistol in hand, facing the enemy.
130. I watched as he found Doriot and hand in hand they moved more deeply into the crowd.
131. We had walked hand in hand in the dark all the way to the water mill.
132. Dragging her mind back to the matter in hand, and mumbling apologies, she wormed her way to the reception desk.
133. There was a window at each of the compass points, and, binoculars in hand, he made his slow perambulation.
134. Advertisers used to go to museums, cap in hand, to ask permission to use a painting for an advertisement.
135. In the pub, beer glass in hand, he waxed lyrical about how he would spend his earnings.
136. They go hand in hand because the momentum of population growth is so great.
137. Hand in hand with this measure goes an equally bold re-focusing of Labour's strategy concerning marginal constituencies.
138. The rationality of faith goes hand in hand with the mystery of faith.
138.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
139. The white-haired man, bright-eyed, veined, ancient, was sitting on a sofa, drink in hand.
140. Passion and satisfaction go hand in hand, and without them, any happiness is only temporary.Nicholas Sparks
141. As he is about to bury the gold coins, his imbecile brother Jacob appears, pitchfork in hand.
142. She would concentrate on the job in hand instead, and get it done as quickly and cleanly as possible.
143. It is my strong belief that reward and recognition go hand in hand.
144. Larry paced the small rooms now, drink in hand, wearing an enormous striped robe.
145. The Pumas, however, have a game in hand, as their match against Middlesex Polytechnic was postponed.
146. A young couple were walking hand in hand along the beach.
147. I had been so horrified by Jason Purvis' physical condition that, almost unwittingly, I had taken him in hand.
148. With two serves in hand Rafter was poised to take a 6-1 lead.
149. Budget palaver and acute short-termism seem to go hand in hand.
150. He drew three phase electrical diagrams with a less than comprehensive knowledge of the subject in hand.