快好知 kuaihz

in full造句
1. I enclose £65.20, in full payment of the bill. 2. The clear, lively illustrations are in full colour. 3. The lilies are in full bloom. 4. The speaker stood in full view of the crowd. 5. The apple trees are in full bearing. 6. The oriental cherry is in full blossom. 7. I was reimbursed in full. 8. Your money will be refunded in full. 9. a portrait of the general in full panoply. 10. They marched twenty miles in full kit. 11. references are given in full at the end of this article. 12. The loan must be repaid in full by December 31. 13. We are in full agreement with the points raised in your letter. 14. The statue shows King Richard in full stature beside his horse. 15. In full light, you could see Alison was well over forty. 16. Any costs that you incur will be reimbursed in full. 17. He is not in full possession of all his mental faculties. 18. For the dress rehearsal, the cast will be in full costume. 19. All the tulips in the garden are in full blossom. 20. When we arrived, the party was in full swing and the room was abuzz. 21. Plant these shrubs in full sun. 22. He was togged out in full uniform. 23. Able - bodied labourers are in full employment. 24. They returned our hospitality in full measure. 25. The soldiers were in full uniform for the review. 26. The book is lavishly illustrated in full colour. 27. The medical experts have yet to report in full. 28. Preparations for the event are now in full flow. 29. By midnight the end-of-course party was in full swing. 30. Soldiers in full combat gear stood at attention.