快好知 kuaihz

in common造句
1, I have a lot in common with my sister. 2, We had a surprising amount in common. 3, We have nothing in common. 4, The word "undertaker" had long been in common usage. 5, It's not a word in common usage . 6, Man and the monkey have many things in common. 7, Kate and I have nothing in common. 8, Is this word in common use? 9, We have lots of things in common besides music. 10, All the love stories have something in common. Once upon a time, I have that experience too. but I can not remember it clearly. All I can remember is that love returns with another man bringing new hopes to me. 11, The two species have several characteristics in common. 12, That word is no longer in common usage. 13, I have nothing in common with Jane. 14, The two cultures have a lot in common. 15, The inhabitants of a village held land in common. 16, The two games have much in common . 17, They hold the property as tenants in common. 18, We don't really have much in common. 19, Jane and I have nothing in common. 20, I've got nothing in common with my brother. 21, This software is no longer in common use. 22, He had very little in common with his sister. 23, We trust in common senes. 24, We should be focusing on what we have in common rather than emphasizing our differences. 25, I found I had a lot in common with these people. 26, Oral contraceptives are collectively referred to in common parlance as 'the pill'. 27, Jane and I have nothing in common. / I have nothing in common with Jane. 28, Feeling you are different from the masses is the thing you most have in common with the masses. 29, I've nothing against him - I just don't have much in common with him. 30, They were never suited from the start - they've got nothing in common.