快好知 kuaihz

in case造句
121. Take your skates in case you decide to go skating. 122. I save all my old letters in case I want to read them again. 123. The army was yesterday placed on a state of alert in case of more riots. 124. I like to keep a few envelopes around in case I need them. 125. We drove in convoy in case their car broke down again. 126. Keep the negatives in case you want more prints later. 127. He kept his voice low-pitched in case someone was listening. 128. She had had the foresight to prepare herself financially in case of an accident. 129. I enjoy my work, but I'd like to have another string to my bow in case I lose my job. 130. I'm shy of buying shares, in case I lose money. 131. At the beginning of the winter, supplies were laid in, in case heavy falls of snow should block the road. 132. The hospital has an auxiliary power system in case of blackout. 133. Security forces have been put on standby in case of violence. 134. In case of emergency, break the glass and press the button. 135. I like to keep a few envelopes about in case I need them. 136. We didn't want to leave the platform in case the train came. 137. Companies are buying in supplies of paper, in case the price goes up. 138. I got a few extra in case anyone else decides to come. 139. You hang around here in case he comes, and I'll go on ahead. 140. She didn't want me to go with her to the party in case I cramped her style. 141. We'd better lay in plenty of food in case we're cut off when it snows. 142. Pick over the lentils carefully in case there are any stones amongst them. 143. But no doubt you went along just in case. 144. Also ask him for the telephone number of the Home Service Adviser for your area, in case you need further advice. 145. Or had they been afraid to do so in case it drew attention to what they were up to? 146. If there is any pain or a burning sensation, tell the doctor, just in case you have a urinary infection. 147. People being assessed are also offered an advocacy service in case they feel that they would benefit from additional support. 148. Be careful with sharp objects that could carry blood or other body fluids in case they puncture the skin. 149. But you daren't take the risk of trying it on in case I was calling your bluff and would refuse you. 150. They included warning local air traffic control and having hundreds of gallons of water and pumps standing by in case of accident.