快好知 kuaihz

get by造句
31. Ken Kessler is an ordinary person trying to get by in the information age. 32. They're using all this technology now to get the same sounds we used to get by turning up until it distorted. 33. Potatoes could get by with only a touch of sunshine or warmth, and they thrived at high altitudes. 34. Farmers, sailors, and chemists get by perfectly well on the basis of everyday experience, without recourse to Aristotelian logic.http:// 35. Winifred Bleasdale, and others like her, have to get by on £77 a week. 36. Despite these problems most people get by and have a life expectancy of about 70 to 80 years. 37. You are very cute, but you can not get by in this world by looking endearingly at people. 38. He went to Tokyo and within a few weeks knew enough Japanese to get by. 39. We don't have a lot of money to spend on luxuries, but we get by. 40. If one crewman is slain the other two can just about get by without reducing the rate of fire. 41. Could a culture of human beings worshipping a Goddess really get by without murder or war? 42. For all the glamour, players in the currency markets get by on hard work and tough analysis. 43. It's amazing how the rest of the world manages to get by DESPITE the weather. 44. They get by on talent and at this level that might work for a while. 45. When I was at college I used to be able to get by on $20 a week. 46. Some people can get by on three or four hours a night whilst others seem to need much more. 47. It's, well, enough to get by on, but not much more, not enough to start something. 48. What you get by achieving your goal is not as important as what you become by achieving your goal.Zig Ziglar 49. Haw can he get by on such low wages? 50. Please let me get by, ie pass. 51. Excuse me . May I get by? 52. It can get by on one mouse every week. 53. Hung - chien felt they need only borrow enough from his family to get by. 54. Rather than being tired, bad-tempered under-achievers, they are an energetic, outgoing and optimistic group who can happily and healthily get by on just four or five hours of shut-eye a night. 55. One of them, Jo-Wilfried Tsonga, would give Fed a match in the fourth round and another, Gael Monfils, could be a potential quarterfinal opponent if he can get by No. 7 seed David Ferrer. 56. In a society where many people routinely break laws against blackmarket activities just to get by, everyone is vulnerable to denunciation by a neighbor or friend who has his own sins to hide. 57. Different from the double-CCD camera measure system, it establishes the mathematic model by the laser projection plane and the image that get by the one CCD camera. 58. Ramsbottom didn't possess a dinner jacket, but he was told that a dark suit get by. 59. If you try to cheat on your test, I'm sure you'll never get by with it. 60. Her old age pension gives her barely enough to get by.