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first of all造句
31. Primitivism To look at the mystery of cave art means first of all to look at our own prejudices. 32. Of course, he had, first of all, a desire for personal glory and gold. 33. The programme first of all explains how a Bouncer works on fitness in general and in rehabilitation plus other problems such as arthritis. 34. First of all, is it sensible to think of masculine/feminine as polar opposites? 35. First of all, batch processing is out of the question. 36. First of all she needed to firmly establish the connections. 37. First of all, there are ways that missing husbands can be traced so that the divorce petition can be sent to them. 38. First of all, the mandate would look like a flat tax on each worker. 39. But some people were not happy about the accident. First of all, her boyfriend, Drew Stephens. 40. First of all, the study simply measured total testosterone in the blood of female volunteers. 41. Well first of all I must distance myself from the image that is presented by nearly all introductory textbooks of cultural anthropology. 42. First of all I was put in a two-person cell with bunk beds. 43. I swung my boots up on to the bed and stretched out full length. First of all, I was not dead. 44. I had in mind to give you an overview first of all. 45. First of all I had been subjected to two substantial costs consequent upon some unexplained administrative delay. 46. First of all, detail all your expenses - on a monthly basis - in the left hand column. 47. First of all there is the lack of paradigm consensus among those studying language. 48. First of all, we called it a mutual aid society. 49. First of all, some forward cyclic is needed to initiate the forward movement. 50. First of all, more spatial data are becoming available in digital or computer-readable form. 51. First of all, my dearest man friend died of cancer, aged forty-two. 52. First of all, of course,[http:///first of all.html] great reserves of strength and stamina. 53. First of all , we'd better make sure we have everything we need. 54. Well, first of all, it's too expensive and second, we don't have anywhere to put it. 55. First of all, the service operates strict rules concerning recruitment which are not always suited to radio. 56. First of all, it implies an apprenticeship period in which the craftsman learns control so that he can later abandon it. 57. Dear Bash First of all I'd like to compliment you on such a brill and fabbo magazine. 58. First of all, no map can show all the attributes that may conceivably be required by a user. 59. First of all, the brain controls many bodily functions, either directly via nerve impulses or indirectly via hormones. 60. First of all I want my young reporters to be able to observe.