by and large造句61. People were crowding round the displays, reading the posters with great intensity and, by and large, in silence.
62. Sometimes the 1949 recording is a trifle overwhelmed, but by and large it absorbs the heavy demands with reasonable fidelity.
63. The reproducible arts of photography and printmaking still remain, by and large, categorised as lesser arts.
64. Since the war, governments had by and large ducked the issue.
65. It was, by and large, the domain of highly trained white men.
66. By and large, it was a losing and demoralizing fight.
67. By and large, any given chemical shows a strong preference for one particular shape of crystal.
68. In any case, this was not, by and large,[http:///by and large.html] the way state spending was financed in the boom.
69. It also shows a clear relationship with sunspot activity; by and large there are fewer sunspots when the Sun is bigger.
70. Decolonisation meant that, by and large, independent states were created out of existing areas of colonial administration, within their colonial frontiers.
71. By and large Alex and I think these developments are likely to give tangible gains and could well become a priority for implementation.
72. Nature is by and large to be found out of doors, a location where, it cannot be argued, there are never enough comfortable chairs.Fran Lebowitz
73. Producers are obstructed by governments in all sorts of ways, but enterprises are, by and large, private.
74. By and large, people still prefer not to acknowledge these issues for which there is no comfortable rule.
75. They were arrogant but, by and large, they were decent, honest people.
76. By and large the teams gave each other both moral and technical support.
77. By and large, how is your new business progressing?
78. This practice is not good by and large.
79. By and large, your plan is a good one.
80. By and large Japan remains a "one-shot society": those who fail to get a good job upon graduation can be frozen out for life.
81. By and large, Britons seem to welcome the newcomers. Perhaps that might change if the next big acquirer is a state-backed Chinese firm, rather than a paternalistic Indian conglomerate.
82. From the living time of the poets who were selected , by and large , we can conclude that the compilation time of this collection is not later than the last years of the Tianbao at the latest .
83. The auditing procedure falls into two steps by and large. The first step focuses on IS auditing and aims to probe into IT auditing approach.
84. But by and large, the country was as glorious, as vast and as overwhelmingly spectacular as those know-nothing kids had expected!
85. By and large economists at that time agreed in the statement that the improvement of the material well-being of all strata of the population depends on the accumulation of capital.
86. By and large, Kundera's friends have abided by his need for total opacity.
87. NICOSIA (Reuters Life!) - It might have something to do with all those sunny days, but Greek Cypriots are by and large a very happy bunch, a survey showed on Thursday.
88. With this simulation, the influence of fixed wall boundary layer on underbody was eliminated by and large.
89. The list of winners is dominated by national oil companies. The international majors that once dominated the global oil industry are, by and large, absent.
90. During the year, ORP operations were by and large smooth and trouble - free.