awareness造句91. But in recent years, the field has grown in acceptance and awareness.
92. The first step toward change is awareness. The second step is acceptance.Nathaniel Branden
93. It was hoped to increase awareness of the library and its services and to increase the number of users.
94. Of course, some political awareness had begun to reach the airline industry, with its enormous numbers of women employees.
95. The patient with perceptual problems may be treated by the physiotherapist and the occupational therapist simultaneously, to help his overall awareness.
96. An increased consciousness of conceptual systems as necessary fictions accompanies a growing awareness of the conventions of narrative.
97. Such has been the reaction of some advice workers to race awareness training and anti-racist training.
98. I had no conscious awareness of the Latin root of the name Hilary until Antonia Byatt pointed it out to me.
99. This heightened awareness is partly the result of changes in the economic climate of the last ten to fifteen years.
100. The project should lead to increasing awareness across disciplines of techniques that have found many successful applications in the physical sciences.
101. According to Envoy Systems' Peter Krall, the group's aim is to create awareness of computer-integrated telephony rather than to make standards.
102. The Soviet masses were in the process of acceding to a cultural awareness that had been denied to his father.
103. I mention it because general public awareness of accidental poisoning seems higher there than in this country.
104. Its responsibility is to create awareness, both in and outside of the company, of current artists' product.
105. The nine included product quality, technical back-up, innovation and environmental awareness.
106. Its aims are to promote awareness of X and provide a forum for the discussion of technical issues.
107. There is today a growing awareness of ourselves in relation to our environment.
108. Circular reactions lead to a greater awareness of objects as objects and to a greater understanding of cause and effect.
109. I would be grateful if you would display this material at your surgery to assist with our awareness campaign.
110. Have events been organised to raise awareness among all staff of the recruitment problem ahead?
111. However, many of its attributes are not fully appreciated and the following notes are intended to increase awareness of these.
112. Beautiful, yes, but severe somehow and, to Adam's heightened awareness, reproachful.
113. It still reflects a growing awareness in the city-state that something more is needed.
114. The sustained rate of violence was real, not merely a reflection of a new awareness or better record keeping.
115. The commission also ordered a media campaign to raise awareness of the peace pact.
116. This means that they had had a heightened awareness of their own mortality more or less throughout the disability career.
117. And there is no doubt that some of these animals live lives of great awareness, and of emotion, too.
118. The inconsistent level of Anderson's politeness here reflects Anderson's awareness of his greater power in the speech situation.
119. She was active raising awareness and money for serious diseases.
120. Beware of an opportunist rag trade beginning to sell you recycled clothing under the guise of social awareness.