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(91) He tells the story of Joseph and his brothers by painting the faces of young men on top of photographically-enlarged pages from the bible. (92) Even though federal courts have declared such displays unconstitutional, the issue keeps popping up, especially in the Bible Belt. (93) By 1909, he had opened a small clinic with the help of volunteers from a nearby Bible school. (94) Once the preserve of the white Bible belt, today's country speaks to rap-weary black audiences. (95) By looking to the Bible and seeking spiritual guidance, he is taking steps to reconcile our differences. (96) It is a fundamentalist statement of belief in the literal truth of the bible. (97) Once, while attending church, I saw the priest snoring while the lector read from the Bible. (98) History paintings had to be grand and didactic, with subjects drawn from the Bible, classical mythology and history. (99) The Bible beginning is a beautiful, purposeful design, bringing order out of chaos. (100) But I am sure that nothing in Apocalypse or the Bible as a whole indicates that such will be the case. (101) The Bible makes it clear that the devil and his forces are the masters of misrepresentation. (102) The Bible laws of mikva are so important for women,[.com] that women have gone to extraordinary lengths to keep them. (103) He enjoyed these very much, and eventually he began to appreciate the more doctrinal portions of the Bible as well. (104) In front of tense townspeople she blurted out words that a Bible commonwealth had to condemn. (105) Five days shalt thou labour, as the Bible says. The seventh day is the Lord thy God’s. The sixth day is for football.Anthony Burgess (106) The beasts of the field, pedigree or otherwise, were included by the Bible in the plan of salvation. (107) In the years that followed, Mary's eldest daughter went to Bible college to train for the mission field. (108) In their absence Pete will be looked after by the Bible College's bursar and husband in Malton. (109) The quality of relationships the Bible speaks of in terms of the home environment is learned and therefore needs to be practised. (110) These brothers translated the Bible into Slavonic, were the inventors of the Glagotithic alphabet, and founded Slavonic literature. (111) In a vision given to one of his followers, the Heavenly Father stated that the Bible contained errors. (112) We too need to read the Bible in our hearts, rather than simply to discover facts or satisfy our curiosity. (113) This reminds us of Adam and Eve in the bible and the disobedience of man when they ate the forbidden apple. (114) That being of a man. referring to the bible where men were made out of clay. (115) He drew deeply on a cigarette and flipped open his thumb-worn Bible. (116) He also studied books and had earned a correspondence degree from a Bible college. (117) The only place Of this name mentioned in the Bible is Migdol in Exodus 14. 2. (118) It is the threesome of snake, Eve, and Adam which, according to the Bible, makes for carnal knowledge. (119) After all, whatever interpretation of the Bible is considered, it remains an accurate account of human behaviour. (120) The Bible is a mass of fables and traditions, mere mythology.Mark Twain