快好知 kuaihz

181. She also has a. 38-caliber bullet in her brain. 182. If some one gets hit by a magnum bullet, he is dead. 183. A quick and total resignation - the modern way for an honourable man to put a bullet through his brain. 184. He fired one more tap-loaded bullet, then ran back parallel to the road. 185. Another bullet penetrated the bathroom window of another house in the same area. 186. He had been killed by a shotgun bullet that almost decapitated him. 187. Better cirrhosis of the liver than.a bullet in the head. 188. Between us, we killed three of them, but a bullet hit my finger and it began to bleed. 189. For the general population, beta carotene is not a magic bullet. 190. The bullet spun around his body, nicking a rib and burning across his back. 191. A pilot scale rig dedicated to the exploration and development of the silver bullet process has been fully operational for some months. 192. Nobody was hit by the bullet and the two fleeing men surrendered. 193. It was an easy shot, but as I heard the bullet strike he bounded away. 194. The bullet ripped through her intestinal tract and lodged in her lower abdomen.... 195. In the February issue I warned you that I was going to bite the bullet and buy a real computer. 196. The bullet grazed his chin, cutting a gash about an inch long that has since hardened into a scar. 197. I leave it to you to decide which bullet I played first. 198. As the bullet tore through his leg, he crumpled to the ground. 199. Putting a bullet through a million close-printed names-a parlor game. 200. The first bullet bounced off his skull, leaving the 38-year-old father of two virtually unscathed. 201. He was nursing a sore right side, where he was grazed by a police bullet. 202. Fox had found a bullet bedded in the ground and a cartridge case to go with it. 203. Leaden Like a bullet To supplant Life from its centre. 204. At each intersection, Converse had cringed in anticipation of the bullet, the blade, the hatchet. 205. It was then that the bullet flew past him, hitting the brass cross and sending the crucifix crashing to the ground. 206. First I thought that a bullet had hit me on the helmet and somehow bounced off. 207. A moment afterwards he was killed, pierced through the brain by a Rebel bullet. 208. Carrefour faltered, doubling over as the bullet caught him just below the sternum. 209. A ricocheting bullet chanced to take the front from the cigarette machine. 210. The six, Hispanics from 15 to 40 years old, were found face down with bullet wounds in their heads.