statistics造句31. Their governments have no reason to "massage" the statistics.
32. We have statistics for the last year.
33. The statistics reflect a change in people's spending habits.
34. What do these statistics mean in human terms ?
35. Remember that these statistics describe college freshmen in 1972.
36. We no longer keep statistics on former employees.
37. There is a compulsory course in statistics.
38. There are no previous statistics for compar-ison.
39. These official statistics should not be accepted uncritically.
40. Bob is a repository of football statistics.
41. She's studying statistics at university.
42. We have a fascinating statistics.
43. She was armed with statistics and facts.
44. Specialized software adds up the statistics.
45. There followed several pages of incomprehensible statistics.
46. Statistics is taught in many colleges.Sentence dictionary
47. The statistics are virtually indigestible presented in this form.
48. These statistics display a definite trend.
49. Have you seen the latest statistics on crime?
50. Statistics is a branch of mathematics.
51. The managers have conveniently ignored these statistics.
52. Statistics can be merely cold facts.
53. Statistics taken on their own are liable to mislead.
54. The statistics must be lying.
55. These statistics are not very meaningful.
56. Young men tend to predominate in the crime statistics.
57. The statistics were received with concern.
58. Can we trust these statistics?
59. The statistics offer further support for our theory.
60. According to official statistics, the island had 37 inhabitants.