infection造句211. Use of invasive medical devices, such as indwelling catheters, often carries a risk for infection.
212. When my daughter still had her umbilical cord, my husband worried about infection.
213. If antibiotics are likely to clear up the infection, why are we having this long discussion?
214. This is usually about 18 days after infection, but it may be delayed for several months when arrested larval development occurs.
215. Both sets of inquiries pointed to the existence of a degenerate underclass of the population which formed a residual pool of infection.
216. This study aimed to analyse H pylori infection within family groups.
217. One explanation for this finding would be that H pylori infection is acquired by people throughout their lives.
218. This virus affects the body's defence system so that it can not fight infection.
219. Animals contract the infection by eating feed that has been supplemented by the tissues of other infected animals.
220. The company, named for a friend who died from an infection, would search for new targets for antibiotics.
221. In a warm climate where flesh decays rapidly, there is more risk of infection from dead animals.
222. Between them, those cells produce a highly sophisticated and intricate attack upon the source of infection.
223. At the same time, fever can make us worse in cases of widespread blood infection, or sepsis.
224. In fact, an ear infection alone can cause sudden severe pain as fluid builds up in the middle ear.
225. There were no IgA antibodies to Giardia heat shock antigen, however, in any of these children with chronic infection.
226. However, even a 10 % infection rate is a total disaster for any society.
227. Twenty nine percent of cases had a mixed infection, and chronic diarrhoea was more frequent in these patients.
228. It would seem reasonable to assume that measures aimed at treating calculi in these patients may reduce the frequency of infection.
229. Inflammation is another internal defence mechanism and is a reaction of living tissue to infection, injury and irritants.
230. It has been established that cervical infection with human papillomavirus is important in the aetiology of neoplasia.
231. Because infection with Vibrio cholerae is an important cause of diarrhoea, we decided to use cholera toxin as intestinal secretagogue.
232. Infection control policy An infection control policy should be available to staff, emphasising he importance of the safe disposal of sharps.
233. The rare acute infection shows dyspnoea and violent cough, with white-yellow, occasionally bloody, sputum.
234. If you suspect a true external fungus infection treat with proprietary brand of fungus care.
235. To combat infection and other problems, doctors had him on 17 different drugs.