constitutional造句91. It is his task to try to involve black leaders in negotiations on constitutional reform.
92. In 1861-2 a constitutional crisis arose, whose outcome fundamentally affected subsequent developments.
93. Under a constitutional monarchy, the Tsar was Grand Duke, with a bicameral legislature.
94. The threat of violence and real fear of revolution prompted the Government to adopt limited constitutional changes.
95. Hearings to consider a Proposed constitutional amendment outlawing affirmative action were scheduled.
96. That is no more or less than a sovereign Parliament within a constitutional monarchy should be able to expect.
97. Critics could barely keep to the constitutional pretence that the monarch was above political error.
98. It was an awkward way for Congress to assert its Constitutional right and duty to declare war.
99. A constitutional amendment that would allow prayer in public schools.
100. Last month the senator complicated their task by reiterating his support for some exceptions to a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
101. The ruling declared that dying people have a constitutional right to end their suffering.
102. A fair amount is conducted by ministerial correspondence, a perfectly acceptable method in constitutional terms.
103. Anti-abortionists have launched a vigorous campaign to reinforce the constitutional ban on abortion.
104. What is clear is that current constitutional arrangements do suit an authoritarian government well.
105. The necessary constitutional changes would require approval by a three-quarters majority in the 70-seat Assembly.
106. The politicians, promoters and sweeping sentiment converged to conspire against his constitutional right to work: stated barred him from fighting.
107. John Hostettler, R-Ind., who once suggested that the constitutional right to bear arms included nuclear weapons; and Rep.
108. This is the perspective from which we should approach the novel constitutional questions presented by the legislative veto.
109. It took three constitutional amendments after the Civil War to overrule his decision.
110. Further constitutional rights were restored on Dec. 19, but the guarantee against arrests without a judicial order was not reinstated.
111. The essence of this constitutional malaise was the changing attitude of the young towards those in authority.
112. The focus of the forum blurred into Charter 88's campaign for constitutional reform in general.
113. A less controversial proposal was a constitutional ban on the extradition of drug traffickers to stand trial in the United States.
114. This was completely different from any idea of grandiose constitutional changes.
115. Conservatives insist that the new platform retain the 1992 abortion plank calling for a constitutional amendment outlawing abortion.
116. This appears from the role assigned to the Bundestag, elections and political parties in the constitutional system.
117. He supports parental notification and opposes government funding, but does not advocate a constitutional amendment banning abortion.
118. What constitutional considerations apply in cases of libel or slander?
119. This time the alleged transgressions involve a violation of constitutional protections that really matter in a democracy.
120. The treaties have the potential to change our constitutional arrangements and the powers of Parliament.