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151. This involves grasping the dynamic inter-relation between new scientific knowledges and the much broader public debates over national efficiency and imperial survival. 152. Philip Hanson's empirical work on international technology transfer laid bare the limitations of borrowing as a survival strategy. 153. At time it feels like a matter of survival against the elements, keeping your boat upright in a strong breeze. 154. Despite all the technological advances of science, it seemed survival still depended on the action of a man. 155. His own career is an exemplar of survival in the face of absurdity as well as adversity. 156. It is run by a charitable trust and so relies on grants and donations for its survival. 157. We very much admired their energy and power of survival. 158. Envy was a civilised emotion, attendant upon some degree of security and the possession of things strictly unnecessary to survival. 159. It has come to have a bearing on the larger questions of civilized survival. 160. Army surplus stores report a stream of buyers for gas masks, water-purification tablets, survival knives - even combat boots. 161. Threats to its survival include habitat change, disturbance, egg collecting and severe winters. 162. Prostitution is no longer an attractive option to ensure economic survival. 163. Or are the few crabs that we see so voracious that any new recruit stands little chance of survival? 164. Main outcome measures Long term survival in patients after urgent cardiac transplantation and perceived quality of life. 165. But that does not mean its survival or closure is only a political issue. 166. Similar considerations helped to explain the survival of the provincial dailies in the face of competition from the nationals. 166. Wish you can benefit fromand make progress everyday! 167. They learned important lessons about survival from the adversity they had faced. 168. In all countries, children of high birth order have comparatively poor survival chances. 169. Here are several experts' survival tips, from beginning to end to beginning:-All is calm. 170. Indeed, from the 1920s, several studies showed an association between spacing and survival of the offspring. 171. So the coppicing at Westonbirt arboretum may help to ensure the survival of more than just the trees. 172. I understand why the Government have maintained an exemption for small businesses, for which survival is of the essence. 173. The law of the survival of the fitted governed not only primitive tribes, but the civilized cultures of the ancient world. 174. Survival International has launched a campaign against the programme and its likely effects on the indigenous inhabitants of the forest. 175. The demands of survival have enforced a form of anarchism on Anarres. 176. Hussein's craving for the limelight is second only to his survival instinct. 177. At the Survival level, packs of loose-leaf materials will be available to fit into a Filofax/Organiser ring binder. 178. The House of Windsor has become highly adept at the business of its own survival. 179. However, the survival of certain types of artefact is as much the result of various factors prior to burial as to post-depositional processes. 180. Different treatment methods - surgery, chemotherapy, or a combination of both - did not significantly affect survival.