快好知 kuaihz

121. I always felt aggressive, I always had a great deal of self-control, I always felt I would get good bounces. 122. He was a star producer, one of the most aggressive and innovative brokers in his region. 123. In children too there seems to be an increase in problems relating to antisocial, aggressive conduct and delinquent acts. 124. Even with a more aggressive policy of positive discrimination, it is doubtful whether geographical inequalities can be overcome. 125. Any search for some one aggressive in the container business - apart from Sherwood - was bound to lead to Tiphook. 126. Mr Florio also authorized aggressive new deals for some big advertisers, luring back General Motors in the process. 127. Nellist has fought an aggressive campaign on his Parliamentary record and flooded the area with leaflets - 20,000 distributed yesterday alone. 128. Finally, I had to just tell myself to stop being so aggressive. 129. Sometimes these less aggressive horses can behave very unexpectedly and take us by surprise. 130. Perhaps because of its deep associations with childhood, drunken behavior is usually more infantile than aggressive. 131. Like many children exhibiting aggressive behavior, Scott found it tough to talk about his feelings and how he coped with emotions. 132. Summary Families with aggressive children can be helped by teaching the parents to be more consistent and effective in their control methods. 133. These fish had been the hungriest and most aggressive, and had been our main catch using artificial flying fish as bait. 134. The three categories of passive, aggressive and assertive behaviour are a useful way of differentiating and describing interpersonal communication styles. 135. I think women are just as aggressive as men but it's suppressed in us. 136. The Woodvilles' assimilation into the political community was further eased by a less aggressive manipulation of royal patronage on their behalf. 137. Cheap rubberized plastic masks appear to be the most effective measure yet in combating aggressive tigers. 138. It was in the locker room that he felt most vulnerable to the aggressive behavior of the other early adolescent boys. 139. Perhaps if his father had been less aggressive towards us Petar wouldn't have died the way he did. 140. Petrocelli Monday afternoon began an aggressive cross-examination after Simpson finished five hours of gentle questioning by his own lawyer Friday and Monday. 141. The plagues of aggressive nationalism, racism, chauvinism, xenophobia, anti-semitism and ethnic tension are still widespread. 142. And for months they have ignored repeated U.S. warnings about the dangers of this new, aggressive policy. 143. Better prepared and more aggressive, he unexpectedly outmanoeuvred the prime minister. 144. Rape and battering are merely one end of a continuum of aggressive forms of behaviour of men to women. 145. Thus age should not be the sole criterion for withholding aggressive treatment of community-acquired pneumonia in older patients. 146. Temper tantrums often disappear when they no longer receive attention, aggressive behavior is attenuated by making may occur without being punished. 147. Even testosterone, so often blamed for aggressive behavior in men, is getting better press. 148. Together, they point to aggressive empire-building by the duke in the north. 149. More aggressive chemicals are ruled out because of possible damage and abrasives are unsatisfactory as the aggregate lodges in surface scores. 150. The same gradual process will be needed to help a child become less aggressive.