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211. She persisted in her relationship with the new recipe book; the kitchen at Greystones was filled with strange aromas. 212. The recipe is very easy to prepare, but it does take about 2 hours to cook. 213. Elinor Fettiplace's recipe book of 1604 contains another Lenten delicacy - almond cakes which were sweetened with aniseed. 214. She also wants a mincemeat cookie recipe which she saw in a cookbook some 30 years ago. 215. Watercress: make use of homegrown crops with a free recipe booklet. 216. The campaign kicks off with advertising on Tesco Clubcard recipe cards and in health food trade titles. 217. More than 275,000 recipe leaflets have been produced and mailed to key catering customers, giving eight new recipe ideas. 218. No other recipe causes so much grief, with the possible exception of chicken soup - but that's another saga! 219. This recipe for cannelloni is filled with a mixture of nonfat ricotta cheese, spinach and Parmesan cheese. 220. But instead of adapting the whole recipe at once, we fiddled with one ingredient at a time. 221. The recipe given here is a quick-to-make fondant that does not need cooking. 222. Goujons of sole Here's a recipe to make the lovely, firm texture and subtle flavour of sole go a little further. 223. I seem to remember a recipe in the Woodworker using linseed oil. 224. This is my version of a quince cream recipe from the note book of Mrs Owen of Penrhos in Anglesey, 1695. 225. The large batch of Recipe 179 he had made stood unused in the locked room. 226. This weakens the splitters' argument that to reconstitute high-level meaning from the basic ingredients requires only the right recipe. 227. Experience suggests there's no better recipe for successful study than regular, patterned activity. 228. Limitation on employment, property ownership and the right to vote were a surefire recipe for disaster in Northern Ireland. 229. The recipe is modified and simplified by succeeding generations of cooks. 230. Remember, nothing here is offered as a blueprint or recipe. 231. During the afternoon he'd made a small quantity of Recipe 179 - enough to fill three biscuit tins. 232. This recipe is suitable for making large cookies, about 4 inches in diameter, but they may be made smaller. 233. Pour strained oil into an earthenware, ovenproof pot large enough to hold rabbit and all liquid called for in recipe. 234. Preheat the oven to the baking temperature suggested in the pie recipe you are using. 235. Every cake has a large full-colour photograph and helpful step-by-step illustrations to make the various recipe stages even clearer. 236. Its ads, coupled with diet industry ads and media images that promote slenderness, are a recipe for bulimia. 237. I make up my own recipe for stretch mark ointment and of course she was thrilled to have it. 238. Half the country is starving, and that is a recipe for massive political convulsions. 239. Insults so ferocious as the recipe for Sussex Layer Pancakes - why pick on Sussex? 240. At any stage of life, to live every day to the full is a recipe for happiness.