advocate造句31. He's a strong advocate of state ownership of the railways.
32. The Advocate took a deep breath.
33. Norman Schwarzkopf, advocate an immediate international ban.
34. Labour is the only party which could advocate that.
35. Licklider was an early advocate of computer interactivity.
36. Spong does not advocate marriage at an early age.
37. Kresge was a strong advocate of savings.
38. She is a passionate advocate of natural childbirth.
39. Instead of energy conservation, they advocate building more dams and nuclear plants.
40. She, the great advocate of the Freedom of the Individual.
41. He was, and is, a strong advocate of the position that the right people make the system.
42. Deciding to be her advocate, I went to the charge nurse on the floor and reported the situation.
43. Clinton was seen as a strong advocate for a variety of educational improvements.
44. Here is one great advantage of having a strong advocate.
45. The Commission does not advocate change for its own sake.
46. In fact, Sinclair was a strong advocate of caution and moderation.
47. I hate to advocate drugs, alcohol, violence, or insanity to anyone, but they always worked for me.Hunter S. Thompson
48. Confrontationalists advocate challenging Roman authority, experimenting with new liturgical forms and creating smaller new communities to replace or supplement traditional parishes.
49. Fats - Saturated and Unsaturated All major dietary guidelines advocate a need to reduce our average national fat consumption.
50. He is wrong, they argue, in considering a pro-choice advocate for vice president.
51. I've always been a strong advocate of public service broadcasting, such an important element in this influential means of communication.
52. He was noted for his prodigious memory, was deeply religious, and a staunch advocate of temperance.
53. He does, however, chafe at descriptions of him as a slow-growth advocate.
54. This opinion is held by those who advocate a cognitive approach to learning.
55. While supporting change to allow the Crown the right of appeal against too lenient sentences, I would advocate another change.
56. A devout Calvinist Methodist and strict advocate of temperance,[http:///advocate.html] Davies became a patron of Nonconformist and other charitable and educational causes.
57. We strongly advocate sustainable use of coastal resources, which includes the exploitation of minerals.
58. Here we must pause to acknowledge that Morgenthau does not always advocate a scientific approach as he did in Politics among Nations.
59. Even though he did not actually advocate it, Locke certainly did much to foster such rational deism.
60. If heroin use proves relatively harmless to all concerned then we should advocate legal reform and controlled availability.