快好知 kuaihz

151. And the corporation often owned the electricity supply as well. 152. Finally, you stated that we prohibit women from executive positions within the corporation. 153. The bond indenture normally specifies a number of restrictive covenants to which the issuing corporation must adhere. 154. Hardly a day goes by without news of some corporation shedding huge numbers of workers in the name of productivity. 155. The infant formula brouhaha created a monster which may yet check and balance the dread corporation: the multinational pressure group. 156. The firm has to pay 1050 in corporation tax on the balancing charge and 5340 in capital gains tax. 157. She apparently also used her contacts there to peddle a catalog for a merchandise corporation. 158. Let us now consider the effect of the corporation tax. 159. It looked more suitable for a multinational corporation than for a great Department of State. 160. They demanded that the Corporation immediately extend the city boundary and embark on a crash housing programme. 161. Paul and Minneapolis created a nonprofit corporation to finance low-income housing. 162. In such a case the company may face corporation tax arising from the disposal of its chargeable assets. 163. Maybe you like the idea of working for a great corporation or a wonderful small business in your hometown. 164. These total plans are made up from the individual plans of every business activity of the corporation. 165. E-Two: Steve Lavin has declared himself a corporation, but not a nonprofit one.... 166. They now own a corporation, Ramsey-Gerlich Enterprises, but their business still remains little more than a concept. 167. You had to have a corporation behind the whole farming affair now. 168. If the corporation borrows the money, all these interest deductions can be claimed by it. 169. The ground became more accessible after June 1922 when Huddersfield Corporation started running buses direct to the south-west end. 170. Consequently, the costs of strengthening and extending the probation service could be defrayed by charging a fee to the offending corporation. 171. Profit for financial investors was allowed to encourage their investment; but it was never accepted as the purpose of the corporation. 172. I would set my face against the casualisation of the Corporation. 173. The corporation that owns the spa is hoping to franchise this treatment nationally. 174. Profits reinvested in the corporation are available to finance future growth of the corporation or to pay future dividends. 175. Currently, Televisa is the largest communications corporation in the developing world. 176. Thus, $ 75, 000 of taxable income would be taxed more highly to an individual than to a corporation. 177. WordPerfect Corporation offers a host of other software products, including spreadsheets, graphics, databases, and office automation. 178. It will also save Johnson Matthey advance corporation tax and provide funds for expansion. 179. Nor should it come as a surprise that these rules frequently get S corporation owners into trouble. 180. Both the Corporation and the Company had always turned trolleys with a hooked bamboo pole.