effectively造句121. It is no doubt valuable to create an environment in which a person acquires effective behavior rapidly and continues to behave effectively.
122. They complimented each other for their ability to collaborate effectively as a team.
123. In terms of electronic records, compliance with rule 24 would effectively ensure that the issue of document authenticity had been dealt with pre-trial.
124. There were too many internal contradictions which prevented the different constituencies from working effectively together.
125. Outsourcing means that effectively firms increase their production capabilities without having to invest themselves.
126. It can be argued, for example, that teaching can be accomplished more effectively if teacher and student adopt their appropriate roles.
127. Such simple calculations are essential in using aminoglycosides safely and effectively.
128. The situation is now so critical that the very structure that is needed to use the aid effectively has disintegrated.
129. They accept, that is to say, that the order of the court and the taxation consequent thereon will effectively quantify their contractual right.
130. These effectively buttressed the sector against the kind of cutthroat competition raging amongst operators.
131. This time the party campaigned more effectively for the treaty and 60% of its supporters voted Yes.
132. And by all apparent signs, the man is still quite capable of effectively leading a team.
133. Consider the view that no banking and financial system can operate effectively without a central bank. 6.
134. If passed the bill would effectively bar Hindus from converting mosques into temples.
135. P.S. We can plan our campaigns more effectively if we have a regular income.
136. What destroys us most effectively is not a malign fate but our own capacity for self-deception and for degrading our own best self.George Eliot
137. Major Burrows had dealt with the matter so effectively the father did not need to administer any further punishment.
138. Private sector organisations have had difficulty making similar arrangements work effectively.
139. Traditionally, lenders have calculated the interest annually, which means you effectively pay interest on money you no longer owe.
140. The business is effectively recession proof, if anything it probably does better when times are hard.
141. To combat crime effectively, the police need the full support of the Government and the public.
142. In figure 23, A is directly accountable to his manager X for his work being carried out effectively.
143. The drug barons have themselves become substantial land holders, effectively controlling several departments.
144. Economic survival of the enterprise or its further progress depends on managers communicating effectively with employees.
145. You're effectively cheating your body by reducing your calorie intake and your body sends out different responses because it's confused.
146. Dall was effectively trading money; he sought to borrow each day at the cheapest rates and lend at the highest.
147. It was from here, in 1959, that she effectively attended an Oswald Mosley rally.
148. The crab effectively parasitises these protective devices for its own ends by placing the anemone on its shell.
149. The client should be made aware of the benefits to both of you of using your time as cost effectively as possible.
150. The agreement effectively ends a bitter legal battle in two states between Mrs Harriman and the heirs.