conventional造句31. Autosuggestive techniques can help in the treatment of diseases which cannot be cured by conventional medicine.
32. Her book is a hilarious send - up of a conventional spy story.
33. Bake for 20 minutes in a conventional oven; 8 in a microwave.
34. It is time to go beyond the shibboleth that conventional forces cannot deter.
35. The conventional wisdom is that boys mature more slowly than girls.
36. He hates the wheeling and dealing associated with conventional political life.
37. They regard nuclear weapons as an insurance policy against conventional attack.
38. These discs hold more than 400 times as much information as a conventional computer floppy disk.
39. It is conventional to place the independent variable on the right-hand side of an equation.
40. This combination of symptoms seems to be unresponsive to conventional medical treatment.
41. Alternative treatments can provide a useful back-up to conventional treatment.
42. The conventional view is that work is pleasant and rewarding.
43. Many conventional behaviourists readily concur with the idea.
44. Conventional econometric models typically treat aggregate supply only scantily.
45. They are therefore more akin to the conventional drugs.
46. She rejected her parents' conventional bourgeois lifestyle.
47. Vladimir Semenov as conventional forces commander.
48. They offer several advantages over conventional approaches.
49. The calcium waves spreading through glial cells may constitute a long-range signalling network acting in concert with conventional neuronal networks.
50. Paquita and I had always liked each other, but I knew she would have preferred me to be more conventional.
51. With a sharp edge this method of power carving offers a degree of control more difficult to achieve with conventional carving techniques.
52. Facet analysis underlies the structure, but is not emphasized by facet indicators as in a more conventional faceted classification scheme.
53. This lean, sporty, androgynous image is as limiting and as difficult to achieve as more conventional beauty ideals.
54. Conventional double-glazing cuts heat loss by conduction, but can not prevent loss by radiation.
55. They were more akin to circus performers than to more conventional professional sportsmen.
56. Perhaps the biggest advantage is that 56K modems can use conventional telephone connections.
57. He also purported to apply the conventional collateral fact doctrine but reached a different conclusion from that of his brethren.
58. In Section 1.2 some critical comments were made of conventional systems analysis.
59. How do stocks like Quarterdeck and Iomega break away from the conventional pack and come away with the winnings?
60. They are usually mounted on a fabric backing for ease of handling, and are fixed using conventional ceramic tile adhesive.