快好知 kuaihz

121. All these types reflect their underlying structure and their origin is apparent in their shape. 122. As a gift of divine origin, there was nothing sacrilegious in their use. 123. Darwin's theory was presented in the Origin in a curious way. 124. So it seems unlikely that chemical sensitivity is allergic in origin. 125. There could have been another contributory factor having a bearing on the origin of man's appreciation of beauty. 126. The Tories have also put on their blinkers, choosing fewer candidates from working-class origin and fewer Etonians. 127. Suggested mechanisms for the origin of coherent structures include two important ideas. 128. It is quite possible that the Wandjina figures owe their origin to external influence. 129. The oxygen isotope chemistry of the corals reflects the composition and origin of the water in which they lived. 130. In California it is illegal to refuse to do business with someone because of their race or ethnic origin. 131. Although its origin is not known, it is caused by skin bacteria acting on our body chemistry. 132. By defining the conquest as the origin story, and then by portraying it as illegitimate, Royce took a considerable risk. 133. Neonatal physiologic jaundice due to an enzyme deficiency is hepatic in origin. 134. The controversies that have since arisen are of threefold origin. 135. Another possible place of chaos in genetic diversity generation is in the origin of life. 136. Even some of his closest supporters found the prospect of a natural origin for humankind unacceptable. 137. But impact events can eject rock chips to great distances from their point of origin. 138. There are many other beautiful examples, from the origin of life to the collapse of the Tacoma Narrows bridge. 139. Witnesses reported seeing a man of Hispanic origin run down an alley and disappear. 140. As a prime minister he probably ranked with Ramsay MacDonald in humble origin and modest wealth. 141. And from this stems the origin of ethical systems governing behaviour. 142. The greater part of the underclass consists of members of minority groups, blacks or people of Hispanic origin. 143. The present population of Britain also includes approximately 2.4 million people of minority ethnic origin. 144. All of the various topographic features observed in lunar craters indicates their impact origin. 145. With that knowledge researchers could approach even bigger questions, like the origin of these anti-continents. 146. The origin of the ancestral wild boar is thought to be the Crimea. 147. Both parents were of Breton origin, but of markedly different social backgrounds. 148. With Drepanocladus it is possible that your success as a grower will depend very much on the geographical origin of the plants. 149. Also, in 1974, an adoption Act made it possible for couples of mixed denominational or religious origin to adopt. 150. As suggested in patients with cirrhosis, it is likely to be of multifactorial origin.