快好知 kuaihz

211. The speaker illustrated his talk with readings from the books that he had mentioned. 212. Please join with me in thanking our guest speaker tonight. 213. A small crowd gathered round the speaker to hear what he had to say. 214. The last speaker gave me the opening I was waiting for. 215. The speaker hammered at his opponent's ideas with flying colours. 216. The speaker was holding forth on the collapse of modern society. 217. The chairman ruled that the question was out of order/ruled the speaker out of order. 218. The speaker had obviously struck a chord with his audience. 219. The coughs of the people made it impossible to hear the speaker. 220. The speaker stopped in midstream, coughed, then started up again. 221. After the lecture Jack edged up to the speaker and asked him for his autograph. 222. The audience pelted the speaker with questions until the chairman had to stop them,for there was no more time. 223. The speaker advocated a less austere observance of the sabbath. 224. The speaker hammered his point home with examples that the listeners could not deny. 225. People hooted at the speaker when he began to explain his policy. 226. The speaker was rather hesitant and had to be prompted occasionally by the chairman. 227. It's my great pleasure to introduce tonight's speaker, Professor Lewis. 228. The speaker was so nervous that he could hardly get out more than a sentence. 229. The speaker started his speech by letting off a joke. 230. The speaker really drove his message home, repeating his main point several times. 231. Paul looked through his green glasses peevishly when the other speaker brought down the house with applause. 232. The speaker was just winding up when the door was flung open. 233. And so, without further ado, let me introduce tonight's speaker. 234. The speaker seems to be fairly apprised of the situation in the Far East. 235. The speaker emphasized that much of South Africa's importance lay in its mineral wealth. 236. This government's policies, said the speaker, have been tried and found wanting. 237. All eyes were on the speaker, and nobody noticed me slip into the hall. 238. The speaker interrupted himself in the midst of his speech. 239. The speaker pinned philosophy down and made it talk sense. 240. All right, now I'd like to introduce our first speaker.