快好知 kuaihz

(151) For instance, an extra demand at home or abroad for goods made either cheaper or better by electronics will add to employment. (152) Employment Redundancy is a predominant form of adjustment to changes in the demand for labour. (153) Tomorrow's workers will have to be more adaptable, but their employment prospects should be brighter. (154) Employment in industrial production has itself declined in Britain and many other advanced countries during the postwar years. (155) Employment Education administrators held about 393, 000 jobs in 1994. (156) Tests have shown that women are more likely to respond to unbiased employment advertisements. (157) Some students may write about the avoidance of a major depression, others about the decision to focus on high employment. (158) Employment agencies Employment agencies used to be only for domestic and office staff. (159) We will ensure that all parts of government adopt a strategic approach to the employment and development of women staff. (160) Via a back to nursing course organised by a nursing employment agency. (161) One Harvard dealer had registered with an employment agency which stupidly sent his curriculum vitae to Harvard. (162) Some had entered into employment agreements after their first year in law school. (163) Employment of budget analysts is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2005. (164) It is the largest industry in the Province, contributing 6% of Gross National Product and accounting for 11% of employment. (165) The Employment Service can give practical advice on employing people with disabilities. (166) Yesterday the Department for Education and Employment made it clear that there would be no hurry to advertise the Ofsted job. (167) Employment of education administrators is expected to grow about as fast as the average for all occupations through the year 2005. (168) Therefore, employment of budget analysts generally is not as adversely affected by changes in the economy. (169) Such training is advantageous in gaining permanent employment in the field. (170) The first class is of wider ambit than the second and exists only during the period of employment. (171) She said she reported the incident to the company's equal employment opportunity manager, who took no immediate action. (172) Sources of Additional Information Information about career opportunities as a budget analyst may be available from your State or local employment service. (173) The shake-out of labour after 1979 affected women's employment less than men's, both here and abroad. (174) Last year the court narrowed the scope of affirmative action programs that give minorities preference in such matters as employment and education. (175) The other is to find well-paid employment which will provide her with an adequate income to afford the repayments. (176) Inspiration for the scheme came from Bristol's thriving employment agency that has been in existence for 14 years. (177) Rising unemployment and the development of Government employment schemes have substantially altered the pattern of young people's activities. (177)try its best to gather and build good sentences. (178) These people are usually drawn from the employee assistance, human resources, health promotion, affirmative action or equal employment departments. (179) With cross-sectional data it is not possible to make precise comparisons between changes in employment and economic activity over time. (180) Before they became redundant some three years earlier, all of them had been economically active and in full-time employment.