construct造句121. Different kinds of experiences are repressed as inappropriate to the self-image one is attempting to construct.
122. Morrissey deliberately used his high profile to construct a public figure of some importance.
123. It is wise, however, to teach them the basics of radio and how to construct an interesting letter!
124. The problems of criterion validity nicely illustrate the difficulty of finding any solid foundation on which to construct a psychometric measure.
125. A second problem emerged with the need to construct lightweight vessels to contain the recently discovered gas helium.
126. Bernstein was unable to construct anything other than disjointed school-book phrases in the present tense.
127. Let us construct a causal path diagram depicting one possible set of relationships between these variables.
128. The city has announced a plan to construct another runway at LaGuardia Airport.
129. It will also construct computer simulations of skill to help solve the design problems.
130. The Jesuits came to Madeira in 1569 and started to construct a church, monastery and college.
131. At Woodstock, we construct every cabinet from solid wood as a complete piece of furniture.
132. Instead of killing these families, they decided to construct an ant farm for them.
133. This is a work construct defined in terms of activities and physically identifiable consequences rather than mental states.
134. The Archdiocese of San Francisco also plans to construct a church, a new school and community center at the site.
135. Members of the public would not need to prepare plans, construct prototypes or conduct tests.
136. Others would move on to wherever their skills were required to construct railways, roads or canals.
137. I can get a local supplier to construct something very similar to design 5.6.
138. First, such a work construct should be based on the analysis of activity, not states of mind.
139. Realism directed its challenge to the attempt to construct an autonomous science of law which was rooted in legal positivism.
140. A quite different method of evaluation is to construct a process model which seeks to relate input to output.
141. Children construct social knowledge from and within the sociocultural communities they live in and experience.
142. According to Imperial records the horde gathered at the coast and began to construct a huge fleet.
143. The technical skill of the house martin enables it to construct gravity-defying mud nests beneath the eaves of houses.
144. The work construct outlined accepts much of the feminist argument.
145. It is important to see that the physical world is a mental, theoretical construct.
146. The merged company would attract the billions of dollars necessary to construct the electronic superhighway.
147. Energy management Science offers a key to solving environmental problems by providing more data to construct better predictive models.
148. We had to construct a cradle to support the roof while parts of the wood beams were replaced.
149. It is easy to construct a wooden framework for plants to grow against.
150. A fundamentally different analytical method is to use the concept of bibliographical coupling to construct clusters of co-citing journals.