快好知 kuaihz

61. That explains his anxiety over his health. 62. There is no ground for anxiety. 63. He read the letter with a tense anxiety. 64. The decision occasioned us much anxiety. 65. Tom's anxiety to succeed led him to work hard. 66. Mother's heart was torn by anxiety. 66.try its best to gather and build good sentences. 67. She couldn't still her anxiety. 68. Anxiety has taken away his appetite. 69. Her son's letter dissipated all her fears and anxiety. 70. She expressed anxiety for a new dictionary. 71. He was suffering from all the classic withdrawal symptoms associated with giving up heroin - inability to sleep, anxiety, sweating and fever. 72. The fear of unemployment can be a source of deep anxiety to people. 73. He has helped patients suffering from anxiety, depression, and eating disorders. 74. The symptoms of hyperventilation can mimic all the symptoms of anxiety and chronic stress. 75. As he drew nearer, his anxiety gave way to relief. 76. When you have got a handle on your anxiety you can begin to control it. 77. The intensity of the work left little room for personal grief or anxiety. 78. What he did yesterday showed his anxiety to please his customers. 79. A high level of anxiety was created by the introduction of cameras into the factory. 80. He closed his eyes and lay still, trying to purge his mind of anxiety. 81. Her face registered anxiety. 82. The aim is to reduce anxiety and help the patients relax. 83. His bald statement that he'd resigned concealed his anxiety about the situation. 84. Daddy was trembling with anxiety as to how the talks would go. 85. Without meaning to, she communicated her anxiety to her child. 86. Anxiety will cause tension, which defeats the purpose of the exercise . 87. The more reports I study the more my anxiety grows. 88. I regret any anxiety or concern which I may, unwittingly, have caused. 89. He caused his parents great anxiety by cycling long distances alone. 90. I stilled my anxiety.