crop造句121. Four sensors on the tractor-mounted unit scan the crop while you're travelling through, measuring chlorophyll content.
122. Straw from the previous wheat crop was chopped and spread before the heavy soil was deep cultivated.
123. But in this keenly competitive world your crop may become more marketable the more information about it you supply.
124. Only when he has an embarrassingly large crop does he present a bunch to his wife, Pat.
125. The higher concentration boosted crop production by 40 percent in cotton and by 10 percent in wheat.
126. Meanwhile the domestic harvest continues apace, with 72 % of the crop gathered.
127. To these ends, longer and new crop rotations can be introduced.
128. He also contends that Democrats have not produced a bumper crop of congressional candidates this year.
129. Tempted by the exceptionally strong prices for durum, Arizona farmers planted the largest durum crop since the 1970s.
130. Tight supplies worldwide have kept traders focused on any potential crop failure.
131. Hislop believes that, as crop subsidies fall, farmers will see woodland creation as a practical alternative.
132. In the cold, wet northern and western parts of the country it is by far the most reliable cereal crop.
133. Apple trees were straining beneath the weight of a bumper crop of what looked like Cox's orange pippins.
134. The actual amount of water needed by the crop depends on the weather conditions.
135. Coffee was introduced into the central highlands in the 1840s, and quickly became the most important cash crop.
136. Examples of brilliance crop up in one in ten autistic children.
137. Already, 40 percent of Texas' wheat crop has been lost.
138. The only thing I see them reaping is a bumper crop of boredom.
139. Tax was levied on the land regardless of crop yield, and an average family could hardly break even.
140. Grass was the main crop with sheep, dairy and beef cattle providing the animal enterprises which utilised the grass.
141. Milk yields, crop yields and food conversion rates were all similar to those of the better farms in Britain.
142. The chief drawback to small-scale silage-making is the extra physical work involved in handling the green crop with its high water content.
143. Every year produces a new crop of explanations, a new collection of essays, experiments, and simulations.
144. The short-term cause of overriding local significance were the droughts and crop failures in 1920 and 1921.
145. This spray can be used against weevil and other crop pests.
146. Within a short while it became clear that this policy was damaging the rice crop.
147. He says he was keen to try a new crop, and dwarf sunflowers ripen in time to harvest in late summer.
148. Yet these earlier occupants would marvel at the advances in crop production.
149. Another irritation with the current crop of fax modems is that the two parts of the modem don't cooperate with one another.
150. But buy some reserve seeds in case of crop failures or for successive sowings of fast-maturing varieties such as lettuce and radishes.