implication造句61) The implication of the latest moves are that humans have moved to the debit side and become liabilities.
62) However, the match between theoretical school and policy implication is by no means exact.
63) By implication it denies racial differences in facial structure, body size and a number of metabolic predispositions.
64) Another implication of the artisanal loaf is the aspersion it casts upon systematic production baking.
65) The implication was clear: the Fed was trying to ward off an imminent recession.
66) Staff members were asked to work on Sundays, with the implication that they would lose their jobs if they refused.
67) Of particular significance is the implication that vaccinations and immunisations for young children must be affected.
68) The implication must be that a lot of bids are being planned but never see the light of day.
69) There is often an implication that skilled means highly skilled although this connotation confuses the concept of existence and level.
70) The airline is among the youngest - and by implication the safest - in the air.
71) I read it in one sitting and lay awake that night disturbed by its power and frightened by its implication.
72) No,[http:///implication.html] the rude word was not sung at the end of the fourth line but the implication was there.
73) But the implication of the smear on the carpet was plain enough.
74) Often the clues to meaning lie in subtle implication rather than in explicit statement.
75) The essence was there in all its hideous implication. Nerve gas tests with human tissue.
76) The implication is that scanning systems should not be locked into continuous data on limited sectors of the environment ....
77) The scandal in question was, of course, the implication of female homosexuality.
78) He was delighted to do so, with the implication of being regarded as overall ruler of the kingdom.
79) It provides a basis of fuller understanding of allusion, implication and inference.
80) She accepts her own implication in the events of her past.
81) That body did not see fit to authorize trials by military commission in Indiana, but by the strongest implication prohibited them.
82) By using nonsexist language we can at least avoid the overt implication that males are the standard and norm of all humanity.
83) The implication is that further scientific research will eliminate residual uncertainties, allowing for a more objective assessment of harm.
84) You will now release me: the resulting implication being that I bought my freedom at the expense of his.
85) A quarter were concerned about the resource implication of placements.
86) Initial reports suggested that he had been poisoned, with the implication that it was a politically motivated killing.
87) This chapter will therefore also discuss the implication of alternative strategies of education planning.
88) The third implication, that the rocks furthest from the ridge should be the oldest, was less easy to test.
89) The mystery has been solved, but the sense of implication has only spread.
90) The implication of the ad was that Labour had produced mass unemployment and the Tories would cure it.