marketing造句271. So the marketing director enters a coalition with the research director to pressure the boss to allocate more resources to product design.
272. A corporate role could just be confined to the provision of specialist services, such as marketing research and specialist advertising advice.
273. The militia is really a direct-mail marketing operation for conspiracy theory videos and a busy interchange on the information superhighway.
274. She cut her sporting teeth in the marketing department at Sheffield Wednesday.
275. employs over 100 people with experience in technology, catalogue retailing, marketing and the automotive industry.
276. So I hope Sony's marketing department doesn't go for too narrow a target audience.
277. The essential concepts and processes of marketing apply as much to marketing in the international arena as the domestic one.
278. Yet many would-be entrepreneurs are often shocked when they discover the importance marketing has assumed-in building any new business.
279. The increasing internationalization of Chlor-Chemicals, both in marketing and production also helps provide a buffer against economic uncertainties.