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151. Taking each in turn, their basic tenets and relative political attractions can be highlighted. 152. The studies examined did not seek to determine the relative importance of age and parity to development of maternity related ailments. 153. The relative magnitudes of the coefficients of the power series vary with the sort of vibration. 154. Simply by growing larger, creatures suffer a continual decrease in relative surface area. 155. Pink and red peppercorns are not true peppercorns at all, but the dried berries from a relative of the rose family. 156. As firms' share of total deposits has ballooned, so Sberbank's relative power has shrivelled. 157. Relative poverty, more markedly than absolute poverty, clearly rose rapidly throughout the 1970s. 158. I suggest, following Lakatos, that the crucial difference lies in the relative coherence of the two theories. 159. I am also very aware that all this is relative. 160. Moreover, as we have remarked, many relative clauses with adjectives will not give postnominal adjectives. 161. They say they consider him uncorrupted, and are impressed by his relative lack of political ambition. 162. He says BSE is a worry, though there are few cases relative to herd sizes. 163. First, the economic circumstances of poor families have worsened relative to the rest of the population in recent decades. 164. Why not let local circumstances and relative departmental strengths be determinate? 165. Through past study a broadly accepted relative chronology for Beaker pottery had been developed. 166. Decision makers need to assess the relative value for money of competing health care interventions. 167. The relative frequencies of citations may be inaccurate, if allowance is not made for the growth of the literature. 168. The history of many colleges can be seen as periods of conflict and confrontation alternating with periods of consolidation and relative calm. 169. Detailed information relative to the specific characteristics of the long-term debt is disclosed in the footnotes to the financial statements. 170. Absolutes aside, it is clear that relative to other advanced industrial countries Britain's economy has grown for too long less sturdily. 171. In relative terms, Britain was shown to be a middle-ranking power with her ability to take independent military action strictly limited. 172. A relative clause counts as dependent whereas an adjective modifying a noun clearly does not. 173. The notion of relative autonomy raises the question of the limits within which the state's autonomy may vary. 174. First, the relative autonomy of railway management means that the assessment of its performance by outside authorities is problematic. 175. We can maintain with relative certainty that at least some of the mummies owed obedience if not allegiance to the Xiongnu shanyu. 176. Every year particular species arrive and disappear,[http:///relative.html] and change in absolute and relative abundance. 177. A caring relative who has a strong attachment to the old person may find the vulnerability of the loved one nearly intolerable. 178. In recent years, the pedestrian accident rate for children has improved relative to that for adults. 179. It is important to stress, therefore, that there is no absolute, only a relative, chronology for the period. 180. To peel his clothing from him ... How she envied Billie and Nelson the relative normality of their relationship.