personnel造句121. Given the way your organization functions when it functions best, consider how a personnel or labor crisis situation would be handled.
122. All computer personnel should read, understand and comply with the policy as a condition of employment.
123. A Xinjiang television broadcast carried pictures of weapons, riot damage and injured and dead security personnel.
124. A change in operating personnel should not cause any change in quality control values. 67.
125. Because tasks in organisations are almost always interdependent, it is essential that personnel act in a calculable and predictable manner.
126. And in other administrative areas, such as personnel and accounts, most of the supervisory and long-term experienced people opted for relocation.
127. The pressure is usually transmitted to the available servicing personnel affecting their performance.
128. Recruitment and selection are concerned with the very core of the company - ie using the company's personnel.
129. And the cultural difference is even more pronounced when it comes to personnel.
130. Managers, supervisors, and the company personnel department will have much less control over hiring decisions.
131. Their protection consisted of three heavily armored tanks and an armored personnel carrier.
132. Is it feasible to imagine using personal computing for all aspects of a computerised personnel information system?
133. Seminars, including practical paint spraying demonstrations aimed at sales forces, technical and customer services personnel were held in April.
134. Even the firemen and ambulance personnel, when they are called in to help, come under attack.
135. Information has been gathered and shared among consumers, linguists and public service personnel by working alongside each other, listening and discussion.
136. With the multitudinous package sizes available, there is a great deal of physical contact with the chemicals by Janssen personnel.
137. On the following day doctors and medical personnel announced an indefinite strike, which was promptly declared illegal.
138. All personnel appointed to administer the Compact should be responsible to this committee.
139. Like all the Service personnel one meets in remote places, he is dedicated, and does not begrudge his time.
140. Organisationally, the working of both payroll and personnel records has been very useful in providing an efficient administrative service.
141. I stumbled off to be sick behind an armoured personnel carrier as he started on Marius.
142. Top line personnel carry much more authority when really critical matters are at stake.
143. In addition, two small staff groups, data processing and personnel, and the legal counsel reported directly to the president.
144. A base spokesman said the total cost of relocating personnel and planes this summer will run as high as $ 3 million.
145. About 200 yards from his mansion, in an old barn, he even kept an armored personnel carrier.
146. The player responded with several suggestions, including his belief that the Kings needed to make some trades to improve their personnel.
147. Please contact your personnel department if you would like to help.
148. What is clear is that the most successful computerised personnel systems link payroll and personnel together.
149. The tracks are 28-ton personnel carriers that can carry two dozen Marines, including the three-man crew.
150. Personnel changes confirmed the new liberalism in the Soviet Union and the attempt to break links with past behaviour.