crucial造句151. These assessments form a crucial input to the determination of the actual funding allocation to each Local Authority through Block Grant.
152. But at the crucial moment, Burton had bucked the system.
153. Since these behavioural data are so crucial to interpreting the physiological findings they will repay careful scrutiny.
154. For Armagh it's crucial they build on a series of heart-warming displays since the Christmas break.
155. Schools may feel powerless to alter a situation in which wider economic and political forces have such a crucial influence.
156. Those are arguably the most crucial student and Together demands sure to arise after opposition city councils have been formed.
157. The crucial dividing line therefore is between this general advice and participation in management.
158. By its very nature, adjudication entails crucial decisions about the allocation of values and meanings for a society.
159. Three faces lit up, beaming in upon what they thought was a crucial fact.
160. Forward-looking companies realise a good atmosphere at work and good relations with colleagues are crucial to hanging on to staff.
161. It is crucial to the story that the practical examples of change cited here were ordered by the federal government.
162. The problem of the observer is as crucial in biology as it is in physics.
163. However, the structure of employment is crucial for class structure.
164. There is also a considerable amount of evidence to indicate that patients themselves see communication as a crucial part of their care.
165. The crucial question is whether it is appropriate for your Lordships to do so.
166. Innovation is not about saying yes to everything. It's about saying NO to all but the most crucial features.Steve Jobs
167. Then, of course, the whole process of formal education is a crucial socialising agency.
168. Creativity - This is crucial for a good playmaker.
169. He got his crucial lead from an unnamed source.
170. The Raja of Tippera raided at the crucial moment.
171. Thus explaining why Viper Sting is such a crucial factor in defeating Paladins.
172. Vitamin D is crucial for bone growth in children and deficiency can result in rickets.
173. The crucial factor that silvan ecosystem degrades is forestry development intensity.
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176. The reappearance of the original works style is very crucial to translation.
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177.try its best to collect and create good sentences.
178. Therefore, what is crucial is not to abandon price support but to execute the polity better.
179. These standards are some crucial standard in small town planning data gathering.
180. What is crucial at this time is reassess an earlier situation or decision.