emphasis造句151. The second series really went off the boil because there was much more emphasis on the woman lawyer.
152. Among these, the most prominent is the emphasis cities have placed on programs to develop or attract high-technology industries.
153. But this interruption also blocks the passage of ideas by shifting emphasis away from the signified.
154. The emphasis on the craft of writing is of central importance in the recommendations of my National Curriculum Working Group.
155. This would drastically alter the emphasis of most campaign fund-raising operations and increase the ability of individuals to affect the outcomes.
156. Wilzcek agreed that the newer, West Coast institutions probably put more emphasis on science than their more traditional East Coast counterparts.
157. They are united in the emphasis they place on the need to avoid all forms of censorship or control over cultural workers.
158. An emphasis on deciding development strategies at local level, in the light of local circumstances.
159. Lang has also pledged himself to an increased emphasis on the teaching of art history at secondary school and college level.
160. The emphasis there is not on staying indoors, but on learning how to enjoy a sunny, beautiful country and survive.
161. It is worth examining briefly some of the possible explanations for this emphasis on remedial law.
162. Winter had wanted to introduce a budgetary control system based on monthly management accounts with the emphasis on key figures.
163. To provide vertical emphasis and break the line of those surrounding walls, pergolas and a rose covered arbour have been introduced.
164. The emphasis on local economic development gained its fullest expression during the Carter administration.
165. These changes in emphasis are welcome but may be too late to reinstate Morrison and Boyd as the brand leader.
166. It also encourages people to become articulate, especially through group discussion, and places great emphasis upon the basic skills.
167. The emphasis is on public acceptance of new technologies as a variable in national economic performance.
168. Emphasis will be given to media training schemes and also to considering the establishment of a public broadcasting system.
169. The situation changed when the recession of the early 1990s led to much fiercer international competition and emphasis on cost-cutting.
170. This emphasis on quantification and categorization occurs in conjunction with the belief that either / or categories must be ranked.
171. Some modern Christians may find the Trinitarian emphasis alien and difficult.
172. It is a hardy colour-sided breed, brick-red on white, and remains dual-purpose but with the emphasis on milk.
173. A mixed group of students would be catered for by placing greater emphasis on electives.
174. The emphasis of action taken in favour of DRAs must be to achieve permanent changes in income earning potential and social cohesion.
175. The emphasis is on the performance appraisal system which identifies employees' training and development needs.
176. Most of these are paraphrases of biblical texts, and like hymns they vary in theological emphasis and musical appropriateness.
177. The emphasis of Rizzoli's spring list is definitely on contemporary art.
178. The Werner Plan placed emphasis on the fixity of exchange rates and complete freedom of capital movements.
179. Particular emphasis on socially oriented topics, such as receiving visitors, making visits, appointments, entertainment and business travel.
180. Level Most public library authorities place a strong emphasis on introductory materials and standard works, rather than on advanced material.