passage造句151. He cleared a passage for himself through the crammed streets.
152. The tug was seaward of the Hakai Passage on a course that diverged from the Calvert Island coastline.
153. I fell upon a beautiful passage in one of his articles.
154. Harry stepped into the passage and closed the door behind him.
155. From cradle to grave, the car marks every rite of American passage.
156. There was much controversy during the passage of the bill.
157. Prue entered the passage in her notebook, then read it aloud again.
158. The worse the passage the more welcome the port.Thomas Fuller
159. That passage is not quite accurate.
160. The bathroom's just across the passage.
161. Will he assure the House that he has had the unreserved support of the Opposition during the passage of that Bill?
162. Upstairs, in the first passage, are works by the artists who set the style for Rudolf's court.
163. Marriage, though not the social imperative it once was, still stands for a major rite of passage into adult life.
164. It was like coming to harbour after a rough passage - with an armful of comfort to hand.
165. He almost pranced along the passage with his pet and I hoped fervently that I would not see them in there again.
166. In this passage, Berger has simply assumed that the platonist position has prevailed.
167. The process of reproduction is still conspicuously missing from most discussions of economic affairs, as the following passage typifies.
168. Perhaps both leaders have unintentionally advanced the best reasons for passage of Prop. 198.
169. Consider the following brief passage: Mary heard the alarm and groaned inwardly, pulling the covers over her head.
170. Some asked for political asylum and are awaiting passage to friendly third countries.
171. Then the Carter administration lavished yet more money and mobilized the federal government anew in yet another massive drive for passage.
172. A heavily armed convoy signals Compaor's passage around the capital, Ouagadougou.
173. What is clear is that, in the above passage, he is not making the objection against himself.
174. If a rest follows the solo passage the asterisk is unnecessary.
175. The passage, however, included a bit about small men being unable to accomplish great things.
176. Passage of the bond measure would place a tax on property based upon its assessed value.
177. He heard a footfall in the passage outside and felt his pulse quicken.
178. Since the passage of Proposition 209, those seeking such programs must resort to a statewide initiative to amend the California Constitution.
179. The word meteor is in fact reserved for objects that do not survive passage through the atmosphere.
180. Earlier this month the Badgers Bill completed its passage through both Houses of Parliament, and by now should have royal assent.